I will admit it's probably not ready for most of the current crop of mmo players out there.

Most are younger, lacking in patience and have been trained by all other games to get things handed to them, which leads to an inflated sense of entitlement.

This game is much too hardcore for most. No map, no floating tips and no hand holding. Quests are made by players, there are NO npc's and you only have what you personally gathered or traded for.

I personally LOVE this!

This is also totally non-linear, which is the real definition of sandbox. You are not forced in any direction, and that's partly why folks don't seem to like it. They expected a ffa open loot PVP extravaganza, and that is not what this game is.

As time goes by, and things are turned on and features improved, the true sandbox players will come here. Most will really love it and stick around a long time.
Those that haven't gotten what they want won't.

What I have said here is NOT directed and any specific player, so please don't take any of it personal. These are MY views alone.