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Thread: GMT/UTC Time

  1. #1

    GMT/UTC Time

    When are you guys going to correct your down time posts ?
    Your times are still off by one hour.
    When you post a 1000 UTC down time...the servers come down at 0900.
    With an international community like ours, it must be confusing to many.

    Thanks, Pueo

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by rickle44 View Post
    When are you guys going to correct your down time posts ?
    Your times are still off by one hour.
    When you post a 1000 UTC down time...the servers come down at 0900.
    With an international community like ours, it must be confusing to many.

    Thanks, Pueo
    I approve of this post =P

    I already brought this up in IRC. Many people told me I was wrong. But hey what do I know.

  3. #3
    The problem currently being DST putting GMT at +7 over PST instead of the usual +8. Most americans dont compensate for this.

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