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  1. #1

    Traded armors are bugged

    I don't know where to put this so it's here. I still haven't fully tested it but it seems that traded armors are bugged. I gave my high quality south camp armor set to my friend. Then we went for some sparing pvp. I kept dealing damage to him as if he had no armor. Same after he reloged. I tried many different weapons and hitting him without armor as well and it was all the same, as if he had none taking full damage. I took the same armor back and it protected me well (12 hits by pre-order axe). He took it again and died after only 5 hits.

    Did anyone see this before? I'm about to report it but need some more evidence.

  2. #2
    How many hits did it take when he was naked?

  3. #3
    armor is relative to the wearer.

    So it might take you 4 hits to kill me naked and 8 fully armored
    5 hits to kill you naked and 10 fully armored.

    only want to fully test is with a new chracter and exact same stats/combat skills. You could have your weapon skill at 100 versus some one at 25, they might have more HP than you.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
    armor is relative to the wearer.

    So it might take you 4 hits to kill me naked and 8 fully armored
    5 hits to kill you naked and 10 fully armored.

    only want to fully test is with a new chracter and exact same stats/combat skills. You could have your weapon skill at 100 versus some one at 25, they might have more HP than you.
    Very true. These statistics are incredibly relevant -- Plague, what are your weapon skill and armed combat? And also, what is his? What are your str, fortitude etc, as well as his? If hes hitting you with 5 weapon/armed skill and you have 90 weapon/armed, this is probably not a bug.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ColonelTEE3 View Post
    Very true. These statistics are incredibly relevant -- Plague, what are your weapon skill and armed combat? And also, what is his? What are your str, fortitude etc, as well as his? If hes hitting you with 5 weapon/armed skill and you have 90 weapon/armed, this is probably not a bug.
    Who cares what the other guy is hitting him for.

    It matters what was Plague hitting (the so called bugged guy) for with and without armor.
    If its = then there is a problem.

  6. #6
    Same. 5 hits with and 5 hits without armor with pre-order blade.

    We are both of same skill, 25 axe and blade.

    We are still testing with different weapons.

    Off topic: Rock blundgener is crap compared to any axe. Even very high quality.

  7. #7
    Then that is certainly a bug.

    I don't know why i wanted to know the other guy's stats, i just got in this mindset of comparing two players damage and i stopped thinking about the issue at the heart of it.

  8. #8
    negative, Characters gain HP when leveling, confirmed by the devs...

  9. #9
    We swapped armors. I took high quality South Camp and he took very high quality Castle Rock. Same result, it took me same amount of hits to kill him with pre order or any weapon as before. What was strange is that it took him long to kill me with pre-order weapon wearing South Camp armor so armor itself us not bugged. It's either player that is bugged or wearing any armor you yourself didn't make.

    Can some guys in tribes test this please? Have one dude make the armor and trade it to someone else and then test damage (with and without armor).

    And just to clarify we did multiple relogs of both chars.

    Edit: Are there any hidden levels we are not aware of? I'm much better crafter and much higher level in everything (except combat we are same there) and he just started. But that would make no sense, armor should protect him at least a little bit.

  10. #10
    yes, Apache has already tested this multiple times with Leather/Cloth/Bone armor, with multiple weapons of varying qualities. you levels and armor are dependant on your skills.
    Player A has the Same Stat as player B EXCEPT player A is also a Master Bone crafter, player A takes less damage with same armor.

    care to just join me on IRC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plague View Post
    Are there any hidden levels we are not aware of? I'm much better crafter and much higher level in everything (except combat we are same there) and he just started. But that would make no sense, armor should protect him at least a little bit.

    Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

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