This is my idea to change hiding so its not only useful, but not boring as crap to level up.

First off let me explain how hiding currently works, so that people can understand the change.

Right now you train hiding by clicking hide over and over. (I would guess about 1000 times per point times 1.05 per point increase. IE. 1 to 2 = 1000 times, 2 to 3 = 1050 times, 3 to 4 = 1103, 4 to 5 = 1158.
As you can see this will be a very large number once you start getting to 90s, where currently hiding skill is even kinda useful.
(Note: these numbers are made up, and are not fully tested)

Right now what hiding looks like from about 5 to 30, you cant see any real change. Ever so slight. 31 to 60, its starting to get a little harder to see someone but really not much. 60 to 90, its noticeable at ranges, and closeup you can start to see through someone. 90 to 100, its slightly effective but still pretty lack luster for the 100 hours it takes to skill up.

I propose they make hiding a little more effective overall and at top end. This is how.

First, top end hiding should be about 3x more effective. 3 ways to make it more effective.
1)Make it so you are seen through / blend in much better.
2)Make it so you are unseen 100% at further ranges. (hiding vs perception)
3)Make it so you move faster while hiding. (Up to or close to max speed running).

Right now hiding is trained in a while its mostly just boring as heck, or macroed, or mind numbingly painful.
I propose we change this.
This is the new way I would like to see it skilled up and used.
1)First make it so that you can fail or succeed in hiding.
2)If you succeed there are tiers to it. (more in this in a second)
3)Make it so you gain more skill while around MOBS, which also figures into the chance of success.
4)Hiding skill is gained while using it (like running/swimming). More skill is gained while succeeding detection checks.
5)Range of being seen based on skill of hiding vs perception of mobs/people detecting them.

Tiers to success.
Normal success - skill level hiding = speed running movement IE. 5 hiding = 5% run speed.
Greater success - skill level hiding x 1.25 speed running with capped out at 90% run speed. Also blending effect is x1.25 greater with capped out at max 100 hiding effect.

(You can add more tiers if needed)

This allows people to use the skill instead of just clicking the button over and over and over til they are 90 skill then using it.

Note: I don't want people to just be able to go POOF and disappear. Im thinking more of what they have now just better effectiveness. (Think Predator type hiding from the movies).

Comments? Criticism?

That was my old post.

After more testing with someone that DOES have 99 hiding, I would like to revamp this.
I was misinformed about what 99 hiding looks like.

Here are 3 screenshots taken with someone with 93 perception.

This is not what I was hoping for from hiding. So Im going to change some of my statements due to having better information of how hiding works in the game.

This is my UPDATED idea to change hiding so its not only useful, but not boring as crap to level up.

First off let me explain how hiding currently works, so that people can understand the change.

Right now you train hiding by clicking hide over and over. (I would guess about 1000 times per point times 1.05 per point increase. IE. 1 to 2 = 1000 times, 2 to 3 = 1050 times, 3 to 4 = 1103, 4 to 5 = 1158.
As you can see this will be a very large number once you start getting to 90s, where currently hiding skill is even kinda useful.
(Note: these numbers are made up, and are not fully tested)

Right now what hiding looks like from about 5 to 30, you cant see any real change. Ever so slight. 31 to 60, its starting to get a little harder to see someone but really not much. 60 to 80, its noticeable at ranges, and closeup you can start to see through someone. 80 to 99 is way to effective and makes people just POOF out of thin air.

I propose they make hiding a little more effective overall and at top end. This is how.

First, top end hiding should be about less effective but more useful.
1)High end hiding is to effective you should not be able to just POOF out of sight at close range.
2)Make it so you are unseen 100% at further ranges. (hiding vs perception)
3)Make it so you move faster while hiding based on skill of hiding. (Up to or close to max speed running but less effective)

Right now hiding is trained in a way its mostly just boring as heck, or macroed, or mind numbingly painful.
I propose we change this.
This is the new way I would like to see it skilled up and used.
1)First make it so that you can fail or succeed in hiding.
2)If you succeed there are tiers to it. (more in this in a second)
3)Make it so you gain more skill while around MOBS, which also figures into the chance of success.
4)Hiding skill is gained while using it (like running/swimming). More skill is gained while succeeding detection checks.
5)Range of being seen based on skill of hiding vs perception of mobs/people detecting them.

Tiers to success.
Normal success - skill level hiding = speed running movement IE. 5 hiding = 5% run speed.
Greater success - skill level hiding x 1.25 speed running with capped out at 90% run speed. Also blending effect is x1.25 greater with capped out at max 100 hiding effect.

(You can add more tiers if needed)

This allows people to use the skill instead of just clicking the button over and over and over til they are 90 skill then using it.

Note: I don't want people to just be able to go POOF and disappear. Im thinking more of what they have now just usefulness. (Think Predator type hiding from the movies).

The key to this is to allow people to train hiding while having fun and making it useful while even at lower levels.
The way hiding is now is that the pay off is great at high end because you can just POOF disappear mid combat, but that shouldnt be like that. It should be a tool but not overpowered as that. Also making it useful at lower levels and able to be trained that way can get anyone into it. Instead of just people that macro, or are ok with grinding out crazy long skills (100+ hours worth).

Also note that hiding in water, or near a fire, or some walls does not work well at all. Plus if someone has shadows on, you stick out like a sore thumb. I hope they fix this.

Comments? Criticism?