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  1. #1

    Moving totem BUT keeping boundary the same

    Well I think I have a pretty good idea here...

    On totem placing day lets face it, there was like 5 minute delays. Some of us didn't get our totems in the greatest of spots. But that's not the only reason this would be a good idea.

    I think it'd be great if we could move our totem to anywhere in the tribe boundary, but keep the tribe boundary growth fixed at the center of the circle.

  2. #2
    Would be nice to get it out of the way, like having a "drag totem" option without pick-up. I'd love to move it by the front gate so people could have a look at it without needing to go to the center of my homestead.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    Would be nice to get it out of the way, like having a "drag totem" option without pick-up. I'd love to move it by the front gate so people could have a look at it without needing to go to the center of my homestead.
    Ya that's that's a good idea.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    Would be nice to get it out of the way, like having a "drag totem" option without pick-up. I'd love to move it by the front gate so people could have a look at it without needing to go to the center of my homestead.
    Ah see I knew there was a better reason than bad totem placement due to 5 minute lag.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    Ah see I knew there was a better reason than bad totem placement due to 5 minute lag.
    Don't get me wrong, the 5 minute lag thing is plenty good reason enough! I just wasn't around yet when that happened, but I'd still like to move mine too

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen Creator's Avatar
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    They also need to add a huge sign forcing you to accept that if you remove your totem after recently placing it within the 6 hour buffer time, you and all your assets will be free for all for x amount of remaining time!

    Something I learned the hard way after trying to move my totem only 2 feet. luckily I am safe again now though...

  7. #7
    There are other totems in the game, the totem we have now is more for like maintenance tasks, there is a mail totem and a merchant totem and something called a Honor totem in the game files.

    it would be possible that totems could be separated so that you have the other ones where ever you want.

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen Zarin's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Denver, Colorado
    I feel that it would be best if the totems weren't radius based, but borders that could be expanded and decreased to the north, south, west, east. Similar to the way 'Haven and Hearth' does it, this could also help a lot with controlling borders with other tribes.

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