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  1. #1
    I think if the red glow is implemented, it should include a giant cow bell around their neck

    I do find the perma-death option intriguing, for the truly egregiously evil... however that is defined. It would be a choice by the player to take things that far, so not really imposed. They know what they're getting into.

    It would make being that evil require some serious cajones, and would probably do a lot to earn that player respect rather than just contempt... imho.

  2. #2
    You all do know that originally perma no rez death by age was on the drawing table.. same thing with age affecting your stats.

    one day with the addition of magick or religion that perma death is supposed to be tied to that. IE what has been happening right now is we have getting knocked out, what i remember hearing is that one day you could get killed and have to get some one else to resurect you, possible corpse runs involved after all you need a body to ressurect some one.

    Feature Status: Planned™

    You all do know that originally perma no rez death by age was on the drawing table.. same thing with age affecting your stats.

    one day with the addition of magick or religion that perma death is supposed to be tied to that. IE what has been happening right now is we have getting knocked out, what i remember hearing is that one day you could get killed and have to get some one else to resurect you, possible corpse runs involved after all you need a body to ressurect some one.

    Feature Status: Planned™

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen Creator's Avatar
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    Here are some ideas I have as I am strongly against perma death.

    First let me start by saying this, if you are a ganker, stealer, killer the games community will impose its own penalties on you. Trade will be harder, people will be less likely to associate with you and you will have to watch your back. In real life 1 or 2 things happen, people cower in fear from a legend say for instance "Jack the Ripper" which Haunted London back in the day... But for every bad guy there is always some militia or group of want to be, are or would be heros.

    Though games don't carry the real life consequences which stop us from persuing our dark desires, it doesn't have the limitations to stop those from persuing their quest for fame/infamy or rewards.

    I propose a bounty hunter system on reds...

    a player would then get x amount of evil points, these evil points will stack per kill, increasing said bounty on the pk's head.

    Then good players or even other evil players can persue to collect the bounty by killing the player. From here you can give rewards in random loot, monetary value or % chance at a small quantity of rare HQ or MQ items. Reward would increase based on the amount of evil points as we would assume a player with more points would be a tougher/ more clever/ sneaker etc etc.. player than the average pk.

    If multiple players say your town villagers with pitch forks and torches attack said player then % of loot would be divided based upon each players individual dmg.

    The only thing left to figure out for this system or any system is how to implement it without punishing someone for self defense.. as in darkfall people constantly step in front of strikes to rogue the other person so they can kill them without penalty.

    Additionally and hate to rob another idea from DF.. but players could build different lvl guard towers around their city with x range based on tower type and lvl to deter pks from camping outside of the protected village area.

    Edit: forgot... bounty points should clear after pk dies.

    MrDDT just pointed out it could be abused.... crap. nvm on this idea.

  4. #4
    We already have a Quest system that needs to be looked at, simply Add the ability to Kill a player as a Quest and then Towns can create there own rewards/bounty system for hunting them.

    Heck heres a take on the idea.

    The Totem system is already going to get looked at and there are totems in the game expand the tribes ability. The devs can simply just add a "Bounty Totem" which has quests specifically for killing players, the kill quest can be used as a model and when the player kills the intended target they bring back something like a finger or a ear.

    Give the Tribes control over who can use the totem either players outside the tribe or ones in at certain ranks. Lets disconnect this whole "i have to be bad for people to hate me" so that way travelling players can pick up bounties for evil players and kill good ones and vise versa. If we didn't have safe zones or if this was tied to it some how that would just be Gravy

    Let the players decide who is a target, why does the system have to cater to "Good" Tribes, what about "Evil" tribes they can find your helping other players as something thats offensive.

  5. #5
    From other games I've seen try a bounty system (Classic Jumpgate especially), there were kind of two flaws to it.

    1) The bountied player really didn't mind having a bounty, just meant all the more pvp to enjoy.
    2) The bounty got farmed out to a buddy who collected the cash and cleared up any penalties.

    and I guess 3) the bounty became a point of pride for some, which is nice to have, but didn't serve as much of a deterrent.

    I'd be totally fine with it getting tried out and stuff, just thought I'd mention that experience in case it's relevant...

    @Perefim: Very much like your signature

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    From other games I've seen try a bounty system (Classic Jumpgate especially), there were kind of two flaws to it.

    1) The bountied player really didn't mind having a bounty, just meant all the more pvp to enjoy.
    2) The bounty got farmed out to a buddy who collected the cash and cleared up any penalties.

    and I guess 3) the bounty became a point of pride for some, which is nice to have, but didn't serve as much of a deterrent.

    I'd be totally fine with it getting tried out and stuff, just thought I'd mention that experience in case it's relevant...

    @Perefim: Very much like your signature

    Ya I told him the same in IRC, I just didnt post yet.

    #2 is the most reason why it can just be used to pretty much pay the person you are trying to get killed.
    Now if you work it with a death penalty system, then it might work. I would like to see it done.
    Also as someone said using the totem, but the key is making death cause punishment in itself for evil players.

    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    From other games I've seen try a bounty system (Classic Jumpgate especially), there were kind of two flaws to it.

    1) The bountied player really didn't mind having a bounty, just meant all the more pvp to enjoy.
    2) The bounty got farmed out to a buddy who collected the cash and cleared up any penalties.

    and I guess 3) the bounty became a point of pride for some, which is nice to have, but didn't serve as much of a deterrent.

    I'd be totally fine with it getting tried out and stuff, just thought I'd mention that experience in case it's relevant...

    @Perefim: Very much like your signature

    Ya I told him the same in IRC, I just didnt post yet.

    #2 is the most reason why it can just be used to pretty much pay the person you are trying to get killed.
    Now if you work it with a death penalty system, then it might work. I would like to see it done.
    Also as someone said using the totem, but the key is making death cause punishment in itself for evil players.

  7. #7
    The only issue i see here is its ruleing evil out as a play style, if one alignment has perma death penalty what is the bonus? what is the penalty for being good if the penalty for bad is death.

    we have to look at both sides of the coin there has to be evil players so you can have good players and vise versa else everyone is just neutral, not as in they aren't going to attack you but more in the sense of you dont know if they will or wont.

    What are you going to give them so that they want to be evil, what are you going to give neutral players so they want to remain neutral and what will good players have that makes them want to be good and fight evil or help neutral players?

    The problem with alignment is its subjective.. Similar to how fall out does alignment you can be Good with one group and Evil with another how would this play into account. we dont currently have a alignment system other than a setting on a totem we place and if were a nomad you dont even have a totem.

    Why can't we be good on one side of the lake and bad on the other???

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
    Why can't we be good on one side of the lake and bad on the other???
    I wonder to what extent this might happen naturally once the alignment system is in? Depending on how it's implemented I guess. I just figure if I'm rolling a "good" labeled character and want to follow whatever ideology goes along with that label, I might not really want to live in an "evil" inhabited neighborhood. Maybe people will just naturally gravitate to certain areas... though I guess this could take a really long time to happen.

    Edit: I can see how automatic perma-death on evil players wouldn't be so good. I think the OP was thinking it would be reserved for the worst of the worst? If someone wants to role-play a really tough guy/gal... this gives the play some extra creds I think. Would make the worst of the outlaws notorious and truly sought after. Maybe nobody else sees it that way and I'm just weird though

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