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  1. #1
    Truth of the story is this.

    The_Bank AKA Nabna, made an agreement with my tribe for protection, and non aggression pact. About 1 week ago.

    Today, one of my members killed a Dev near our totem (Not breaking the aggression agreement which was not to attack anyone near the bank or on the road to the bank, our totem is on the other side of the water, that agreement stated that anyone on that side of the water is fair game). Our member looted the dev, and got some shovel and some high level leather armor (dyed blue or some such colour).

    Nabna, wanted the armor and asked our member to trade/sell it to him, as others in the area were doing the same. Our member didnt want to sell nor trade it. Time went on with Nabna asking for it here or there, and my member was out in the open near the bank, and Nabna attacked, killed, and looted some of the armor.
    Having found this out, I goto talk to Nabna, and he started saying in public how he has the armor. When I get to talking to him I hear his side of the story, and he started saying how this member has been attacking him all the time. I told him well why didnt you say something to me. He started to say how I was bad and wouldnt have cared. I told him that killing and looting during a non aggression agreement was breaking that agreement and if he didnt make it right, I would be forced to end it.

    After finding out that I wasnt just going to let this go, and understanding he broke the deal that made it safe for trading to happen in that area safely. He got upset and started crying. Also a few others like Anna started saying how "The_Bank" was 2 faced and scamming people (I dont know the details on that, will find out more tomorrow).

    So here we are with Inyuk_Chuck and Nabna upset and deleting his stuff. Then they were attacked and killed a few times, and he got more upset after being looted. He started running around naked attacking everyone and saying bad things and trying to spread lies.

  2. #2
    i have to say I was looking forward to this
    it was a great idea
    now enjoy the choice you made
    hope you stay and have your fun another way

    close DDT
    but thats not really how it doesn't matter much
    its sad to see such a good amount of time, effort and concept go to waste

    he never asked me for the armor

  3. #3


    Wowee a long winded post but MrDDT trying to yet again justify showing yet another player the way, the truth and the light. Honestly MrDDT I'm so proud of you for showing me the truth of this game. First point, its ok for anyone that is in your tribe, including you to attack anyone, take their stuff and go about your merry way, but if anyone else does, you're like "Oh No You Dihan't". Second point is there is always going to be someone that for whatever reason will try to mess with a good thing you are trying to do lesson being "Can't win, Don't Try". Last but not least by a long shot, you may think you know people ingame but I actually have friends ingame that have you on thier KOS list and if they didn't before they will now. Have fun not being able to leave your tribal area once the PvP is fixed, you're a 1 hit wonder now. Listen to this carefully Who else can't wait to get MrDDT back for all the "More righteous than thou" attitude he has perpetrated upon these lands. Honestly MrDDT where's your statue.

    We know the game and we're gonna play it "Mr1HitWonder"

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Bank View Post
    Wowee a long winded post but MrDDT trying to yet again justify showing yet another player the way, the truth and the light. Honestly MrDDT I'm so proud of you for showing me the truth of this game. First point, its ok for anyone that is in your tribe, including you to attack anyone, take their stuff and go about your merry way, but if anyone else does, you're like "Oh No You Dihan't". Second point is there is always going to be someone that for whatever reason will try to mess with a good thing you are trying to do lesson being "Can't win, Don't Try". Last but not least by a long shot, you may think you know people ingame but I actually have friends ingame that have you on thier KOS list and if they didn't before they will now. Have fun not being able to leave your tribal area once the PvP is fixed, you're a 1 hit wonder now. Listen to this carefully Who else can't wait to get MrDDT back for all the "More righteous than thou" attitude he has perpetrated upon these lands. Honestly MrDDT where's your statue.

    Cool Im on someone's KOS list? Sweeeeet. Mo Peeveepee.

    Im not upset that you attacked an looted a tribesmen of mine. You are upset that you have to suffer the consequences from it. When I attack, kill, and loot someone. I expect them to be upset, and likely not trade with me, or maybe even attack me the next time they see me.
    I guess you think that attacking "allies" and breaking agreements is cause for no one to be upset. All because you wanted something someone else had. Welcome to the real world, time to play with the big boys.

    Anyways, see you in game, I cant wait for more drama.

  5. #5

    Cool MrDDT is Rick Astley and his secret identity is...

    I was never your ally according to Bongohead who I killed fairly and squarely and took his stuff, (After his repeated attempts on trying to kill me) I was just a convenient excuse for you to run your dirty underhanded tactics in my name, not to mention once I started trading, charging players a toll to trade here. Already found a rather large tribe who despise you. You're screwed mate, its not what you know its who you know. Please don't say I'm trying to grief you, everyone has had enough.

    Like I said you're a 1 hit wonder who will fold faster than superman on laundry day when the going gets tough.

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen Creator's Avatar
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    Takes and handful of Sea Shells and crunches them loudly with his mouth half open as he watches the dispute...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Bank View Post
    I was never your ally according to Bongohead who I killed fairly and squarely and took his stuff, (After his repeated attempts on trying to kill me) I was just a convenient excuse for you to run your dirty underhanded tactics in my name, not to mention once I started trading, charging players a toll to trade here. Already found a rather large tribe who despise you. You're screwed mate, its not what you know its who you know. Please don't say I'm trying to grief you, everyone has had enough.

    Like I said you're a 1 hit wonder who will fold faster than superman on laundry day when the going gets tough.

    You think Im upset because a large tribe is mad at me? I welcome the PVP. Its not griefing its laying in my bed that I made. I made it for a reason, because its the spice that makes the game fun. If everyone is lovie dovie it will be boring very fast to me.

    Bring it. Is what I say.

    About the alliance. I didnt say we were allies, I said we had a non aggression pact. Which kinda is like allies so I might have used that term somewhere, but Ive clearly stated the agreement we had.
    I never charged nor offered to charge a toll for people to trade at the bank. I did tell people that if they wanted to be safe in the area (not around the bank, near me) they could pay us (Industrial Strength) not to attack them. Which was pretty well known that's what I was doing. Also I was offered by you and others to work out agreements so later once trade routes are working that I would be paid for protection while exporting those goods. None of this breaks the agreement.

    You clearly broke the agreement, I was talking to you (about 5 seconds) to tell you just make it right. But you believe wholehearted that killing someone to take items they have is OK and wont have consequences. Well it does, and no matter where you go that type of thought process will get you upset. All I'm doing is enforcing that punishment. It didnt have to be this way, you could have simply gave the items back, and said sorry, or something similar to that. But I cant work with someone that believes that's ok to do. You wouldnt like it very much if I started killing choice people at the bank while they were trading because I wanted what they had. That wouldnt work well for the agreement either.

    Now, whether or not one of my members attacked you that's another part of the story. If someone breaks an agreement or does something wrong, you can do what you did. That is well within your right. But dont hide behind lies and say "Well I didnt trust you anyways" or make stuff up "He killed me all the time".
    Also if you really wanted it to work you would have brought it up the first time he attacked you (If he ever did he says he didnt, so I wasnt even able to get to that part of the thing with you because you agree its ok to kill and loot at your whim), plus each other time.

    Dont try to spread lies. I own up to my rep. I have a very bad rep. Some people believe it some people dont. Doesnt matter, because I live up to it. I dont try to hide it. You will never see me say "Hey you want to trade? Ya? Cool meet me XYZ" then kill them while they doing the trade.

    Now the next day I might see that person and kill them (a choice I have to make whether or not I want to piss them off), but Im not underhanded about it. Most people know that just because they have a deal with me once doesnt mean we are friends. It just means we had a deal once. Im very honest. I dont hide Im going to kill you, or will attack you. Its well known Im a PKer.

    What you are trying to do is slander, and really I dont think anyone is buying it. I mean why would they? They already think Im one of the lowest scum's and should be killed on sight anyways. Its pretty sad when scum like me has supporters over people like you who cant own up to what they are doing. You are a scammer, you trick people, you have lied to your own tribesmen and looted them not once but twice. You break agreements with people because you wanted something. You act like a child. "Its mine I want it" without thought that bad things can happen from just taking it.

    These are all statements based on your actions in game. Live up to them. You have a good thing going, Im sure you can have a lot of fun playing like that. But dont attack the person, play the game.

  8. #8
    naaabna, you come and ask me girl, to set you free girl, you say he loves you more than me so i will set you free, go with him.
    (naaabna, go with him) Naaabna,girl before you go now, i want you to know now. That i still love you so but if he loves you moh...GO WITH HIM! All of my life ive been searching for a girl to love me, like i love you, but everygirl ive ever had, breaks my heart and leaves me sad... WHAT AM I? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen Creator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClayBacon View Post
    naaabna, you come and ask me girl, to set you free girl, you say he loves you more than me so i will set you free, go with him.
    (naaabna, go with him) Naaabna,girl before you go now, i want you to know now. That i still love you so but if he loves you moh...GO WITH HIM! All of my life ive been searching for a girl to love me, like i love you, but everygirl ive ever had, breaks my heart and leaves me sad... WHAT AM I? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!
    stops munching on his sea shells... O.o?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ClayBacon View Post
    naaabna, you come and ask me girl, to set you free girl, you say he loves you more than me so i will set you free, go with him.
    (naaabna, go with him) Naaabna,girl before you go now, i want you to know now. That i still love you so but if he loves you moh...GO WITH HIM! All of my life ive been searching for a girl to love me, like i love you, but everygirl ive ever had, breaks my heart and leaves me sad... WHAT AM I? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!
    This is one of MrDDT's substance abusing friends, the very one I killed after he was constantly attacking me and other players in the area while the so called non aggression pact was supposedly in place. I knew he was substance impaired when I spoke to him on vent but holy hell, this is just wrong.

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