Truth of the story is this.

The_Bank AKA Nabna, made an agreement with my tribe for protection, and non aggression pact. About 1 week ago.

Today, one of my members killed a Dev near our totem (Not breaking the aggression agreement which was not to attack anyone near the bank or on the road to the bank, our totem is on the other side of the water, that agreement stated that anyone on that side of the water is fair game). Our member looted the dev, and got some shovel and some high level leather armor (dyed blue or some such colour).

Nabna, wanted the armor and asked our member to trade/sell it to him, as others in the area were doing the same. Our member didnt want to sell nor trade it. Time went on with Nabna asking for it here or there, and my member was out in the open near the bank, and Nabna attacked, killed, and looted some of the armor.
Having found this out, I goto talk to Nabna, and he started saying in public how he has the armor. When I get to talking to him I hear his side of the story, and he started saying how this member has been attacking him all the time. I told him well why didnt you say something to me. He started to say how I was bad and wouldnt have cared. I told him that killing and looting during a non aggression agreement was breaking that agreement and if he didnt make it right, I would be forced to end it.

After finding out that I wasnt just going to let this go, and understanding he broke the deal that made it safe for trading to happen in that area safely. He got upset and started crying. Also a few others like Anna started saying how "The_Bank" was 2 faced and scamming people (I dont know the details on that, will find out more tomorrow).

So here we are with Inyuk_Chuck and Nabna upset and deleting his stuff. Then they were attacked and killed a few times, and he got more upset after being looted. He started running around naked attacking everyone and saying bad things and trying to spread lies.