Wowee a long winded post but MrDDT trying to yet again justify showing yet another player the way, the truth and the light. Honestly MrDDT I'm so proud of you for showing me the truth of this game. First point, its ok for anyone that is in your tribe, including you to attack anyone, take their stuff and go about your merry way, but if anyone else does, you're like "Oh No You Dihan't". Second point is there is always going to be someone that for whatever reason will try to mess with a good thing you are trying to do lesson being "Can't win, Don't Try". Last but not least by a long shot, you may think you know people ingame but I actually have friends ingame that have you on thier KOS list and if they didn't before they will now. Have fun not being able to leave your tribal area once the PvP is fixed, you're a 1 hit wonder now. Listen to this carefully Who else can't wait to get MrDDT back for all the "More righteous than thou" attitude he has perpetrated upon these lands. Honestly MrDDT where's your statue.

We know the game and we're gonna play it "Mr1HitWonder"