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Thread: Leveling...

  1. #1


    I love this game with everything in me and over the last week or 2 I have started terraforming a lot and I really like it, BUT for the sake of everything thats good and holy please please please make it so that when you level it only levels UP. I can't tell you how long Iv'e spent leveling a very small area of ground I know I know you have to get it too like X.98 and hit level, but theres still like a 50/50 chance it levels down and then you have to back up and level that up AGAIN. If you want to make it to where it requires dirt to level so be it but please fix this...

  2. #2
    I find leveling to be completely predictable. It isn't random and there is a method to it that allows you to get the results you expect 100% of the time. Up or down.

    It's something you kind of have to 'pick up' on and is not easily explained unless accompanied by visual demonstration/experience.

  3. #3
    I've been at it for a long time the last couple of days and I can't seem to find either rhyme or reason for it.

  4. #4
    That's just how it is Rahl. It's very simple. Say you're target elevation is at 400.00...and EVERY tile was already at 399.9. If you leveled then, it would always, 100% of the time go up to 400.00.

    The problem is when you try and level a 400.00 square that is adjacent to a 399.50 square, the 399.50 will go up slightly, but at the cost of 400.00 going down slightly.

    It's very easy. Just keep finding your way back to 399.97, 399.98, will get it and eventually it will all end up at 400.00.

    It may seem like you aren't making progress because of how long leveling an area takes...but you probably are making progress.

    I'll be on in a few hours Rahl.

  5. #5
    Yeah but it would make more sense if it didn't those hours to make so little progress.

  6. #6
    I will try to explain it as simple as I can.

    When you use the "level" function of your Terraforming, it does not require dirt.
    Therefore, you need to understand how it work.

    Let's take my own situation as an example.
    We are trying to level our platform to 480.50, so let's say that I have a little bit of "leveling" done, and I have a little circle of 480.50 I can start with.
    Although all around it, is ground LOWER than 480.50. It's at like 480.30, 480.23, etc... etc...

    So how do I make it 480.50 all over? Like I mentionned before, "leveling" does not require dirt, so how am I suppose to make it go higher, without using any dirt? In a way, it makes sense right? So that where you need to understand how "leveling" works.

    Using "level" does not create or take away dirt, it distributes it. It either pushes it out away from where you are or pull it in to where you are, and let me explain how.

    All depending where you are standing, if you are standing in a lower surface, "level" will take a small amount of dirt from around your location, to add it up to it. If you are standing on a higher surface, "level" will push the dirt away from your location, to surfaces around you.

    Remember that I want to have my ground up to 480.50 right? What do I do if my platform is all messed up and I've got waves that ranges between 480.10 to 480.30? I can't level that up, I don't have enough dirt. What I would do, is raise the terrain (when you put dirt down, it goes up by 0.5) of a location at 480.10 up to 480.60 and from there, try to "level" it down to 480.50 by pushing it out to lower terrain around that location.

    So what I would have to do is patching the ground, all around and then spread it out. Just imagine you want to make a peanut butter toast. You take some on the knife and put it on the toast and then you spreading it all over and it's fairly even. Well "leveling" the ground is pretty much the same concept. It's not easy to master, but you come to a point where eventually, you know in advance what the ground is going to do.

    Hope this helped.

    And when people say "Just keep doing it and eventually it will work", have no clue what they are talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    The problem is when you try and level a 400.00 square that is adjacent to a 399.50 square, the 399.50 will go up slightly, but at the cost of 400.00 going down slightly.
    If you are at 399.50 and you want to go up to 400.00, all you have to do is raise of 1 dirt which is 0.50 and that will make your surface to 400.00
    Leveling the terrain in that situation is only asking for complications.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandal View Post
    I will try to explain it as simple as I can.

    When you use the "level" function of your Terraforming, it does not require dirt.
    Therefore, you need to understand how it work.

    Let's take my own situation as an example.
    We are trying to level our platform to 480.50, so let's say that I have a little bit of "leveling" done, and I have a little circle of 480.50 I can start with.
    Although all around it, is ground LOWER than 480.50. It's at like 480.30, 480.23, etc... etc...

    So how do I make it 480.50 all over? Like I mentionned before, "leveling" does not require dirt, so how am I suppose to make it go higher, without using any dirt? In a way, it makes sense right? So that where you need to understand how "leveling" works.

    Using "level" does not create or take away dirt, it distributes it. It either pushes it out away from where you are or pull it in to where you are, and let me explain how.

    All depending where you are standing, if you are standing in a lower surface, "level" will take a small amount of dirt from around your location, to add it up to it. If you are standing on a higher surface, "level" will push the dirt away from your location, to surfaces around you.

    Remember that I want to have my ground up to 480.50 right? What do I do if my platform is all messed up and I've got waves that ranges between 480.10 to 480.30? I can't level that up, I don't have enough dirt. What I would do, is raise the terrain (when you put dirt down, it goes up by 0.5) of a location at 480.10 up to 480.60 and from there, try to "level" it down to 480.50 by pushing it out to lower terrain around that location.

    So what I would have to do is patching the ground, all around and then spread it out. Just imagine you want to make a peanut butter toast. You take some on the knife and put it on the toast and then you spreading it all over and it's fairly even. Well "leveling" the ground is pretty much the same concept. It's not easy to master, but you come to a point where eventually, you know in advance what the ground is going to do.

    Hope this helped.

    And when people say "Just keep doing it and eventually it will work", have no clue what they are talking about.

    If you are at 399.50 and you want to go up to 400.00, all you have to do is raise of 1 dirt which is 0.50 and that will make your surface to 400.00
    Leveling the terrain in that situation is only asking for complications.
    last part is half true some of the time it will go up 0.6 or more.

  8. #8
    Alright then just make a level up button that requires dirt, separately from level button lol.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    last part is half true some of the time it will go up 0.6 or more.
    The reason it would go up by 0.6 is because you raised the terrain on a spot that was surrounded by higher ground, so like I mentioned before, it would pull dirt from it's surroundring to to even it out.

    I don't mind the system, just takes time to perfect it. But eventually, you will get it right.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandal View Post
    The reason it would go up by 0.6 is because you raised the terrain on a spot that was surrounded by higher ground, so like I mentioned before, it would pull dirt from it's surroundring to to even it out.

    I don't mind the system, just takes time to perfect it. But eventually, you will get it right.
    Untrue again. But think as you please. Ive had it happen where there is higher ground around it and go up by 0.5 as well as higher ground around it and go up by 0.6...this higher ground we speak of, in both cases, was no more than 0.5 higher than the ground I was raising (it was already set at 400.00 and the ground i was raising was 399.5)

    So that is not the reason.

    Who cares really. It works sometimes and its quicker than leveling something that is 0.5m lower.

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