Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
Craft all option doesn't really promote active play. Just saying. If it's like the WoW "Craft 500 bandages go AFK for 20 minutes" then it will be worse than the current system. just my opinion

and an in game currency won't work if it is just GIVEN to the players. the current system is like mining for metals...you have to actually do work (scavenge) to create your wealth (and currency comes from scav too ofc).

as it is currently, 1 penny = 1 quarter = 1 dollar.

Maybe you could elaborate on your currency idea Jadzia? I don't see any proper way to make it work without the Xsyon devs acting like a central bank, inflating only when the population inflates. How will they add more currency? Will all characters log on and all of a sudden have instant currency in their bags?

I like the "you have to find your currency" system we currently have...but yeah maybe you could give some more details on a currency idea. I can't think of anything.

also, sorry if this thread is for suggestions only and not discussion suggestions.

I dont think its here to talk about this stuff, if you dont like that idea, you can post a new thread and talk about how you would like it, or why you dont like her system. This is just to get some feedback what people want.

I think its mostly to get an idea what people think are easy, and important.