So many say they are bored, and post long walls of text on how the game does not do this or that, and how they broke their promises and yadda yadda yadda...

what seems odd to me is, I don't have enough time to do everything I am trying to accomplish. If you look at this game as ONLY a pvp game you are already limiting many things you CAN do. This is a sandbox... You can build castles, or cities, you can make a well known name for yourself by your actions, ( or even become Infamous - Heya ddt ), YOU can create things for other to do.

So Let me list a few things you can do that may take some of your boredom away.

1. Join a tribe.

Yeah, I know your a lone wolf and you don't play well with others, but the grind that a homesteader subjects themselves to is a major cause for anyone to get discouraged.

This game is designed around the tribe. It does not have to be a lot, just 2-3 that can help support each other and even get a bit more room to work with. And even though more hands make the work easier, it won't add to boredom, it will enhance your fun because you will not be focused on those things you can't do, but will focus on more things you want and CAN do.

2. Work on figuring out how to make HIGH Durability tools or weapons.

This alone will keep anyone occupied for a long time. If you enjoy crafting this will be very entertaining, since even a lvl 20 toolcrafter can make HQ/HD tools if they figure out the "trick"

3. Become all you can be.

This game requires a variety ok skills and abilities at very high levels to creat the best gear. To make VHQ/VHD tools require vhq resources. So, are you a lvl 90+ scavenger? hows your foraging? Can you make vhq handles? If not, you have PLENTY to do.

4. Remember Conflict may be coming, but it is not everything even in this game.

Many side of this game are never mentioned, because folks believe that ONLY conflict drives need. This is not true. Risk v.s Reward can be had even by so called carebears that NEVER pvp. Example: The need for Bone armor to survive an attack from a Pk'r, will drive a PvE player to trade for vhq/vhd armors made by others that can hunt these fearsome beasties that have the needed resources. So, they risk contact and losing their stuff to go trade with a plave near the mist that happens to have this armor... then the recieve the reward of greater protection.

Think outside .. AND inside the box