See now this was awesome!

Jadzia. I always require pay from my stuff. The working economy is up to us to create. The problem, I think, are players. Who knows how to barter with items. How do you set the price with different resources at hand.. Economy is more our own doing. But adding a localized action house might get it started. You can expand your auction house by 'buying/collecting materials' for upgrades to the auction house (so that the auction house influence extends over more land - allowing it to contact new auction houses) etc.

Except for vandal that completely missed the point.
- I crafted the same kind of items thousands of times in WoW, Vanguard, EQ, Aion and I could keep on going for the purpose of levelling too, which is why I take it you kept using the same weapon recipe.
- Loot an animal of what items?.. Really.. I mean.. Really.. I'm sure (I know) it is mentioned somewhere what you see is most likely what you can loot.
- It isn't a discussion on what sucks or not.

Content for me are things like.

I love this, though I'd divert it into content/more options
More animals, stronger animals, ones that takes a group of people to kill. AI is really bad in game right now.
More skills like cooking and other things.
Things on ways to heal yourself
Bonuses to building a town, or tribe land faster healing, bonuses to crafting, rare resources to protect.
Rare resources and local resources.
Pack animals, carts and other ways to export these rare resources for trading.
New combat styles, special moves, special attacks.
New weapon types like polearms and staves, and archery.
Open up the map (really I dont think this is needed yet because of the 50 people currently playing isnt much).

Thats just some content.
More animals
More skills like cooking and other things (animal training , fire building?)
Things on ways to heal yourself
Rare resources to protect.
Pack animals, carts and other ways to export these rare resources for trading.
Open up the map/New zones (I suspect)

More options: (It is still content, but more of addition to existing content already)
stronger animals, ones that takes a group of people to kill. (AI is really bad in game right now.)
Bonuses to building a town, or tribe land
bonuses to crafting,
Faster healing
New combat styles, special moves, special attacks.
New weapon types like polearms and staves, and archery.

Added after 17 minutes:

Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
The 'missing content' is not some silver bullet set of items on a to-do list. The missing content is more the fabric that links everything together.

1. Combat. Was fubar. Devs are making strides to unscrew it. Great. This is a mechanics correction, not a content creation. But if they get this done correctly, it's a pretty huge step. Combat is merely a means to an end, not the end itself. Combat settles conflict, but the conflict itself should be primarily driven by political and economic concerns.

2. Crafting. You craft to craft. While there is a lot of 'content' here, it's pretty pointless because there is really very little value associated with it. Because...

3. Resources. The world is oversaturated with resources. There is no rarity, thus there is no value. Without value there is no economy. There is very little we can't get for ourselves. There is very little reason to engage in trade, or warfare, to obtain resources.

4. Skills. Everyone can be everything, so there is no value on the individual crafter. IF i want to be something, i just have to grind it...this wouldnt be that bad except, i suffer no consequence for doing this. Game design where everyone can be everything is...bad design...If everyone can be a master crafter, on everything...meh. bad.

5. Accountability. Even if everything stated previously is addressed to a satisfactory degree, it's all pointless if there is not some degree of player accountability. The ability too hold a player accountable for their actions is paramount to the larger game. Accountability is the glue that holds the pieces can't have politics without it. Your economy will stagnate without it (if you control/monopolize a resource 'we' need to be able to make a decision if we want to tolerate that...which in large part will be dictated by the controllers actions). Very simply, without accountability, every gameplay item is really artificial...the moment you make players accountable for each and every action is when you start to see real drama unfold, as players seek to protect and expand their interests.

so while the game is a sandbox [insert meaning], and yes, the players ultimately should determine what happens in it, the game design should assist by channeling players to some type of crucible that serves to ignite gameplay.
Sandbox, to shape and create in an enviroment that is filled with sand. Yay!

On to the real deal. So what you want are tweaks to the already in-place systems. Not more content. That is how I read it.
Again, some of it is more up to the player than it is to the dev team. Economy is our responsibility. That you don't price your wares. Neat, you can give them for free and I'll gladly sell it to others for items I can't be bothered to go look for (which is the deal in this system so long a soft cap isn't in yet).

Soft skill cap. I view it as content 'cos without it we can all be the best scavengers, foragers and crafters making high quality stuff that no one needs as all can do it. See. The problem is less of the economy and more of a 'you need to be able to reduce the amount of people doing a specific thing', doing that will create a demand/supply situation all of the sudden.

Uhm.. Have you actually been able to hold a single player accountable for stuff in a game world?.. I haven't and it would take the entire server to punish another player.. Hardly a feat that is going to happen..

Conflict will happen regardless of what we do.. It is human nature and I'm confident we don't even need rare resources to get into a fight.. A mere scrapyard might be enough.. (well it was for LA )