I vote a huge NO to number 1 in the strongest of terms.

This makes it impossible for new players to even make a decent set of tools without travelling across a pile of zones. This is going to scare a lot of players away from the game before they even get started properly. It also makes a mockery of the fact that you have said you want to cater to solo players.

Tribes have the luxury of sending out resourse collecting parties to bring in normal items for everyday crafting. Solo players do not want to waste such time doing menial tasks.

I dont see myself playing the game anymore if i have to spend so much effort just to get normal crafting items.

I would like a clear decision on this now so i can move on to another game if you are going to stick with this rediculous decision. I am not saying this to start another "im leaving Xsyon" post. I want to play the game, but refuse to play under those terms. I am 100% certain that i will not continue playing if we keep normal resourses zone-specific. Therefore would like to know either way so i can leave now or keep working on my land and toon.

I expect to see a lot of people flame me here, judging by the comments so far. Keep it civil and non-personal. I am a solo player who wants to play solo and i want resourse hotspots and pvp hotspots.

Spreading normal materials over an entire zone does none of this. A zone is just too huge an area and will not create conflict centres. I have posted my ideas on this recently in another thread. Here it is again below..............

How to implement the resourse system

The resourse system should have gone more like this..................


- this is essential otherwise new players won't be able to do any crafting, pretty much and will leave the game. They won't even be able to make tools without horrible amounts of travel.


- there could be something like "magical junkpiles" that cannot be built on within a certain radius. These should be the only place to get special versions of the scrounged items. They should deplete as per normal junk, but then regenerate at a slow rate (similar to the rare ore system of Darkfall). Using these parts in crafting should imbue special attributes to what you make.

- Alternately, these magic junkpiles could give some sort of "magical essence" instead of magical versions of the normal scrounged items. To implement this, every recipe page could have a slot for this "magical essence". It could be added optionally to the recipe at creation of the item and imbue random, special attributes relating specifically to the type of item being made - ie. stat bonuses to weapons, defence attributes to armours, durability to architecture.

This would be the better option imho, as it is exciting to have something cool, but semi-random happen at the item creation moment. Also, it reduces the need for the huge amount of items that you have just introduced to the game (poor to master for each item and special attibute). This is very important in my oppinion, because stacking and storing was rediculous enough already before the patch, but now we have another huge amount of items to deal with, sort and store. Im not a big fan of all these new items at all and i imagine many other people aren't either.

- perhaps as an example, the only place to find human skulls, other than a rare scavenge is to find a "bone pile". They could be similar to "magical junkpiles" in that they deplete and regenerate slowly.

- maybe these bone piles or something similar could pop up all over the land randomly and not be placed statically. Having certain special resourses pop up in random spots will encourage exploration.

These are just some ideas, but i think they would be a millionfold improvement on what was implemented in the last patch. Zone specific resourses does nothing to create "hotspots" of activity where players can expect some friction, PVP and excitement. A zone is just way to big for this to happen. Small, static regions for resourses will go a long way towards creating some life in the game. I would be very surprised if anyone who suggested the implementation of rare resourses and "hotspots" wanted or expected what has arrived in the last patch.