I'm with you on this one VeryWiiTee.

This IS a sandbox game. WE make part of the content, that's the way it's designed, and was fully explained from the start.

There are so many things I can do here that I cannot do in any other game...

I can design and put up my own quests. I don't have to depend on pre-made one that I would truly get bored with.
I can terraform our area and even place roads out to needed resources. What other game gives you this? And please don't mention minecraft, as that game is more a childs game in my mind with its huge blocks you can modify.
I have to search for animals, which is good since I love to explore. Some of the animal AI is quite surprising, like deer that will keep trying to avoid you until cornered.

and a ton of things I won't mention because the mindless will just use them to justify blindness.

If you think that there is NO conflict, then just try and keep the tree in your area safe from roving loggers.

Besides, why MUST there be constant conflict? To me the reason is that folks want it easy and are hiding behind the concept of conflict. If there is "conflict" ( I.E. Reason to fight each other ) then they don't have to think very much. "uh, bad man over there me bash'um... now world safe."

I will agree that there is way more resources than the current population needs.

I maintain that what we really need... are ... well, NEEDS Not conflicts per say.

Introduce something we need to make progress, rare resource, make food or clothing mean something so we NEED to eat and wear clothes, have zombies raid camps and require us to build fortifications... you get the picture