Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
You honestly can't see that the majority of active players ingame are active on the forums as well?

Just saying, it's a great indication of population this early in the game. Especially if the tribes just list how many actives they have.
The guy is just trying to say something that is not.
He acts like his members are not logging in because of "Real life issues" yet Ive had 2 members of his leave his tribe because no one was ever on. They even said something like there hasnt been a post on the forums in over a month from anyone but VeryWiiTee.

I think its funny that VeryWiiTee wont post what is really gone on in his tribe. Good guild in Darkfall pretty solid bunch of players. But hiding the fact they quit Xsyon, for whatever reason just goes to show the morals of a person to me.

Anyways I dont want to derail the thread, keep it up people I would like to see if there are any active tribes at all. All it takes is one member to read the forums and post for the whole tribe.