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  1. #61
    and you're a hypocrite, because you're rehashing a position that pops up every 4-6 weeks.

    'why don't you people just stfu and wait for them to finish the game'

    [insert we paid for a game / subscription] counter argement

    blah blah blah blah.

    you'll have this stuff raging until the devs actually implement a feature set that defines it one way or another.

  2. #62
    you'll have this stuff raging until the devs actually implement a feature set that defines it one way or another.
    ^^ This.

    I don't even mind the implementation so much as the 'definition one way or another'. It's difficult to support a game based on vague neutral statements and player conjecture.

    EDIT: I think it's also difficult for a small indy title to draw a line in the sand and support itself exclusively with a niche player base.

  3. #63
    Not sure how all this works but I kinda think one reason I've been edging my way to more of a "ultra-carebear" point of view, is simply in response to what I saw as a "ultra-pvp" point of view developing.

    In a sense, if someone comes into a potential negotiation with demands I see as extreme to one end, the only logical response is to go extreme in the other end. How else would the compromise be in the middle?

    If the response is to come back with reasonable answers, then the compromise will inevitably be skewed to either extreme side. (ie. you say $150, I only want to pay $100, best I reply $50). It would probably be a shame and a bad thing for the silent majority if things wind up too skewed to either side.

    I don't expect the end-result to be similar to either extreme. I would imagine the devs can parse through all the rhetoric just fine and figure out what would work for the middle, which is where most people hang out.

    Wouldn't mind being there myself, but hey, I'm just going for balance here.

    I think what Xyberviri suggested the other day sounded like a pretty good compromise, until attempts were made to skew more towards the pvp side. Only one response to that makes sense if the hope is to bring it back towards the middle-ground.

    Edit/Addition: Incidentally, the devs seem mad-busy with features right now, including sorting of recipes and scroll bars which is way, way cool. There's even been some positive feedback about the combat mechanics upgrade. Good stuff on all fronts. I would imagine the intricacies of how to develop the right cultural environment isn't really getting on their plate anytime soon. That will be for when more features are in. Things like Comfort, Hunger, and Thirst will inevitably change the way the Xsyon world operates. I think it will change it so much, these discussions will change. With a huge map, and those things implemented, it's just a very different dynamic.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by AndyI View Post
    But you only have to look at Salvadore's posts, he talks about the game being moulded by the 'Carebears', what complete utter nonsense. The game until recently hadn't moved on much from last year and some of us didn't just join in Feb this year so the goal of the game hasn't been moved on by anyone significanltly in any direction. Yes we have safe zones, oh right 30m in the whole game world. Like I'm going to sit in my safe zone and do nothing and never leave it. Some people need to stop saying what others think and actually listen for a change.
    This is the ONLY game that I've EVER seen that ADVERTISED:
    -Full FFA Combat
    -Full Loot
    -Tribal warfare
    -Various other aspects that would "attract" pvp-centric players

    WITHOUT EVEN IMPLEMENTING EVEN A BASIC COMBAT SYSTEM. It was so broke and basic that it didn't even technically work ON RELEASE DAY.

    However, there was a vast majority of the "carebear" side crying of forums about fear of risk and wanting all reward. Thus, we see: inability to loot, safezone safety, no purpose to any of the multitudes of craftable items (building or item wise), and no real purpose for anyone to log into the game BESIDES building a sandcastle strictly for "the fun of it".

    To me, it sounds like the vocal "squeaky wheels" pretty much helped nail the coffin shut on this project. Especially if you look at the droves of pvp-centric players that purchased this game out of the sheer PROMISE that the game could provide something they are looking for, but have now all /logged out and will probably never return.

    This is from me LISTENING to the playerbases that I helped pull here and watched LEAVE IN DISGUST, seeing the "Jadzia" types flooding constructive posts with circular arguments on the forums (over 2k posts, lol), and myself logging in and not being able to find a single other active person in a few hours of legitimately looking for one. No tricks here.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadore View Post
    This is the ONLY game that I've EVER seen that ADVERTISED:
    -Full FFA Combat
    -Full Loot
    -Tribal warfare
    -Various other aspects that would "attract" pvp-centric players

    WITHOUT EVEN IMPLEMENTING EVEN A BASIC COMBAT SYSTEM. It was so broke and basic that it didn't even technically work ON RELEASE DAY.

    However, there was a vast majority of the "carebear" side crying of forums about fear of risk and wanting all reward. Thus, we see: inability to loot, safezone safety, no purpose to any of the multitudes of craftable items (building or item wise), and no real purpose for anyone to log into the game BESIDES building a sandcastle strictly for "the fun of it".

    To me, it sounds like the vocal "squeaky wheels" pretty much helped nail the coffin shut on this project. Especially if you look at the droves of pvp-centric players that purchased this game out of the sheer PROMISE that the game could provide something they are looking for, but have now all /logged out and will probably never return.

    This is from me LISTENING to the playerbases that I helped pull here and watched LEAVE IN DISGUST, seeing the "Jadzia" types flooding constructive posts with circular arguments on the forums (over 2k posts, lol), and myself logging in and not being able to find a single other active person in a few hours of legitimately looking for one. No tricks here.

    This is them saying its all intended. Dont get upset, this is the whole plan. Carebears will flock to this game once architect is working in game trust me, that's going to fix everything. Who need a reason to fight? Just the crafting and building itself is fun. I mean havnt you tried making a brick all in game? Its sooo fun. Its only 100 bricks too. I cant wait to make my whole town out of limestone brick walls, its going to be so fun.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadore View Post
    This is the ONLY game that I've EVER However, there was a vast majority of the "carebear" side crying of forums about fear of risk and wanting all reward. Thus, we see: inability to loot, that's a lie

    safezone safety, yeah? what about it? You knew there would be safe zones for prelude coming into the game, and if you didn't, then you need to take reading comprehension for high schoolers 101
    no purpose to any of the multitudes of craftable items (building or item wise) sorry you are too dense to get the big picture of the advice, go play something else or educate yourself (that one ain't probably going to happen, takes IQ of more than a pencil

    , and no real purpose for anyone to log into the game BESIDES building a sandcastle strictly for "the fun of it". - see answer above.

    To me, it sounds like the vocal "squeaky wheels" pretty much helped nail the coffin shut on this project. Especially if you look at the droves of pvp-centric players that purchased this game out .
    Hyperbole much?

    Please give me the plithera of names calling for a 'carebear' game. If you can name 5 to 10 "carebears" that regulary post on the forums - and back that up with names. I'll eat my hat.

    I on the other hand can give you more than 10 + 20 very vocal pvp names that always....and I mean always whine on these forums. Get over it already. This is a pvp/pve game.

    If you aren't finding all the pvp you want, it means #1, you are a coward - #2 you never leave YOUR safe zone - #3 you are sneaky and are afraid of getting killed/ganked by announcing your intentions.

    I'm one of those that rarely posts on the forums along with many many others that actually play the game, and plan for the future, but we definitely, one and all get tired of your whiney squeaky little boy voices. It would be nice if you could ever be constructive, but that ain't going to happen - all your type knows is I want, I want....waaa....mommy! I want

    You sir, are all hat and no cattle!


  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by China View Post
    Hyperbole much?

    Please give me the plithera of names calling for a 'carebear' game. If you can name 5 to 10 "carebears" that regulary post on the forums - and back that up with names. I'll eat my hat.

    I on the other hand can give you more than 10 + 20 very vocal pvp names that always....and I mean always whine on these forums. Get over it already. This is a pvp/pve game.

    If you aren't finding all the pvp you want, it means #1, you are a coward - #2 you never leave YOUR safe zone - #3 you are sneaky and are afraid of getting killed/ganked by announcing your intentions.

    I'm one of those that rarely posts on the forums along with many many others that actually play the game, and plan for the future, but we definitely, one and all get tired of your whiney squeaky little boy voices. It would be nice if you could ever be constructive, but that ain't going to happen - all your type knows is I want, I want....waaa....mommy! I want

    You sir, are all hat and no cattle!

    Finding PVP is easy in this game. Just buy a second account right?

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Finding PVP is easy in this game. Just buy a second account right?
    You can if you want. No law against it. We all know you have at least 2 accounts DDT, hell maybe 3?

    I don't have that much time, cuz I work for a living (that's not a bad thing). I certainly have nothing against multi accounts.


    Added after 36 minutes:

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Just the crafting and building itself is fun. I mean havnt you tried making a brick all in game? Its sooo fun. Its only 100 bricks too. I cant wait to make my whole town out of limestone brick walls, its going to be so fun.
    HA! You live in squaler ddt. I've seen your digs, pathetic is too kind a word. Now - you may have bigger plans and that could all change. I've noticed you have added peeps to your tribe and since they re-spawned all the f'in trees you cut down, maybe you can get some LOGS & LABOR and it won't be quite the dump it was 2 weeks ago. ; )

    I wish you all the luck, really.


  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by China View Post
    Hyperbole much?

    Please give me the plithera of names calling for a 'carebear' game. If you can name 5 to 10 "carebears" that regulary post on the forums - and back that up with names. I'll eat my hat.

    I on the other hand can give you more than 10 + 20 very vocal pvp names that always....and I mean always whine on these forums. Get over it already. This is a pvp/pve game.

    If you aren't finding all the pvp you want, it means #1, you are a coward - #2 you never leave YOUR safe zone - #3 you are sneaky and are afraid of getting killed/ganked by announcing your intentions.

    I'm one of those that rarely posts on the forums along with many many others that actually play the game, and plan for the future, but we definitely, one and all get tired of your whiney squeaky little boy voices. It would be nice if you could ever be constructive, but that ain't going to happen - all your type knows is I want, I want....waaa....mommy! I want

    You sir, are all hat and no cattle!


    Getting defensive and throwing personal attacks simply proves my point. Calling me dense, attacking my IQ, calling me a coward, afraid, whiney voices, etc simply shows your anger in the fact that you know I'm right and are having issues admitting it. I won't stoop to your level and throw personal attacks your way simply because I've already won (judging by your huffed-up response).

    But I will call you a hypocrite, since you provided NOTHING constructive. Now, with that out of the way, I will discredit your anger:

    Looting: You called me a liar. If you've killed anyone in game, or even accidentally died, you would know that you can set your loot bag to "private" which means nobody can access this. Therefore, I win - no "real" such thing as looting in this game. Throw in a naked toon with a PO weapon (that cannot be looted btw) and you are completely discredited. Yes, you can loot clothes from people and armor...BUT WHY? There is no real use for these, therefore, are irrelevant to even existing in game (see carebear importance in relation to actual game mechanics argument above). Thus, no "REAL" looting.

    On to eating your hat - Jadzia (self appointed carebear queen) has more posts than ALL of the pro-pvp advocates that have EVER graced these forums - COMBINED. And thats just 1 of them. Do the math, then start eating! P.S. she is just ONE of the names I care to mention, no need to mention more.

    I "get" the picture of the game. So do all of the other vast majority of players that have LEFT the game. This forum actually has less active MEMBERS than some other emulated games that are far beyond dead in existence. OBVIOUSLY, SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE.

    Thank you for proving my point Mr. Hypocrite, have a nice day!

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Finding PVP is easy in this game. Just buy a second account right?
    The last guy i found in game took me almost 4 hours. I killed him. He /hatetell'd me that he was going to report me.

    I was saddened that he logged out after ;[

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by China View Post
    You can if you want. No law against it. We all know you have at least 2 accounts DDT, hell maybe 3?

    I don't have that much time, cuz I work for a living (that's not a bad thing). I certainly have nothing against multi accounts.


    Added after 36 minutes:

    HA! You live in squaler ddt. I've seen your digs, pathetic is too kind a word. Now - you may have bigger plans and that could all change. I've noticed you have added peeps to your tribe and since they re-spawned all the f'in trees you cut down, maybe you can get some LOGS & LABOR and it won't be quite the dump it was 2 weeks ago. ; )

    I wish you all the luck, really.


    Haha, sorry.
    I was trying to be funny. I guess you missed the joke.

    About my "squaler" (I think you mean squalor). I have everything I need and more at my finger tips.
    I have great tools, I have tons of resources, I have armor, weapons etc.
    Just because the ground isnt flat, or the walls are not terraformed up, is showing part of what people are saying here. Why should I level the ground? Why should I have a moat or a wall, or build huts? Because they are pretty to look at?
    Well tell you what, I would rather live in an easy to use tribe area, than one that's a maze like Ive seen up north, where you have hard times getting out of your own town to help your own teammates.

    Besides also, the place is trashed mostly because we dont care about it. This is only temp housing.

    You should work on learning to play the game so you dont get stabbed in the back every time you see me, unless you like that. Seems you dont have a problem with it, as you always trying to tango with me. Dont worry, I love poking at you with my axe

    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadore View Post

    Getting defensive and throwing personal attacks simply proves my point. Calling me dense, attacking my IQ, calling me a coward, afraid, whiney voices, etc simply shows your anger in the fact that you know I'm right and are having issues admitting it. I won't stoop to your level and throw personal attacks your way simply because I've already won (judging by your huffed-up response).

    But I will call you a hypocrite, since you provided NOTHING constructive. Now, with that out of the way, I will discredit your anger:

    Looting: You called me a liar. If you've killed anyone in game, or even accidentally died, you would know that you can set your loot bag to "private" which means nobody can access this. Therefore, I win - no "real" such thing as looting in this game. Throw in a naked toon with a PO weapon (that cannot be looted btw) and you are completely discredited. Yes, you can loot clothes from people and armor...BUT WHY? There is no real use for these, therefore, are irrelevant to even existing in game (see carebear importance in relation to actual game mechanics argument above). Thus, no "REAL" looting.

    On to eating your hat - Jadzia (self appointed carebear queen) has more posts than ALL of the pro-pvp advocates that have EVER graced these forums - COMBINED. And thats just 1 of them. Do the math, then start eating! P.S. she is just ONE of the names I care to mention, no need to mention more.

    I "get" the picture of the game. So do all of the other vast majority of players that have LEFT the game. This forum actually has less active MEMBERS than some other emulated games that are far beyond dead in existence. OBVIOUSLY, SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE.

    Thank you for proving my point Mr. Hypocrite, have a nice day!

    The last guy i found in game took me almost 4 hours. I killed him. He /hatetell'd me that he was going to report me.

    I was saddened that he logged out after ;[
    Tell me about it. I was getting called a "griefer" for killing someone outside of their tribe area. Another guy called me a "griefer and exploiter" because I killed him while he was afk fishing. I guess I was supposed to know he was afk, and wait for him to get back, then attack him but only if he wanted too.

    Anyways, I help noobs now because finding someone to fight is very very rare. They do have quite a lot of PVP events hosted by guides, like once every few days.

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