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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadore View Post
    How about THIS:

    This is from Hopi Tribe's main guild page, public forum section. This is in the open discussion forum and is obviously ADVERTISING how Hopi members are only interested in "playing the game the way that we want" which is the NAME of the thread. In this thread, the third post is you stating "They are a bunch of bored teenagers, I hope they will find something else to do after launch. Just think of 15 years old boys and you will understand them". In the eighth post you state "Hehe, the best idea ever!" while quoting another person saying "What we need to do is trick someone into developing a perfect griefer game somewhere and lure them all away." SO WHAT that you didn't start the argument, you went right along with it AGREEING., with Hopi being the main zerg/carebear tribe in Xsyon, and you being one of the heads/starters of said tribe, with seeing you OPENLY admit that your main goal is to "play the way you want", have a verbal bias against the pvp-centric playerbase, an open intent to verbally mislead and talk constructive arguments into flooded and spiraled circles, and an obvious 2k+ posts involving circular arguments and flooding -


    Your underlying intent has always been to oppose any style of pvp. No reason to try to validate or spin anything involving it. If the biggest ever carebear faction in Xsyon had a queen, YOU would be it.

    At this point in the dead game, you dont really have a choice. We (the pvp centric crowd) have been right all along - You need more/balanced pvp before the game has any point whatsoever. Hell, even your own Tribe has openly declared Victory in Xsyon:

    "In the end, we have accomplished all that there is to accomplish in the current build of Xsyon."

    Just do us all a favor - quit flooding useful posts and get outta the way. You've already pioneered your own personal preference for a game that has HUGE potential, ruining it for everyone else. Playing it the way that "YOU" want is obviously detrimental to the game. You are a PERFECT example for my argument because of all of the aforementioned.
    Thanks for proving my point. Out of my 2000+ posts you haven't found even ONE where I asked for less PvP then we already have. You went to Hopi site and linked a thread where we talked about griefers...not PvP players, griefers. Are you saying the 2 is the same ? I'm not. I dislike griefers and I do want them to leave the game...but I have nothing against honest PvP players.

    I want to play the game the way I like...of course. Just like you do. The difference between us is that I've never asked the devs to alter the game to my playstyle...not like you and many others.

    Thank you and DDT proving that I haven't started any threads asking for altering the game to cater more to PvErs. You guys are the ones who want more PvP, not me wanting less.

    Now you have your carebear game, and its kicking butt isnt it? How is your game doing? Everyone thoroughly bored yet? Do you have enough people playing the game the way you like it?
    DDT, in your clearer moments you yourself admitted that the game lacks PvE-wise a lot, just like PvP-wise. You want me to quote you saying that the game is bad PvE-wise right now too ?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Thanks for proving my point. Out of my 2000+ posts you haven't found even ONE where I asked for less PvP then we already have. You went to Hopi site and linked a thread where we talked about griefers...not PvP players, griefers. Are you saying the 2 is the same ? I'm not. I dislike griefers and I do want them to leave the game...but I have nothing against honest PvP players.

    I want to play the game the way I like...of course. Just like you do. The difference between us is that I've never asked the devs to alter the game to my playstyle...not like you and many others.

    Thank you and DDT proving that I haven't started any threads asking for altering the game to cater more to PvErs. You guys are the ones who want more PvP, not me wanting less.

    DDT, in your clearer moments you yourself admitted that the game lacks PvE-wise a lot, just like PvP-wise. You want me to quote you saying that the game is bad PvE-wise right now too ?

    You can link me saying that all you want, doesnt change the fact that most of the problems of this game is because having to cater to people like you that dont think through the problems you are asking for. Safe totems anywhere in the game at anytime is causing major problems. Then to fix those problems you come up with even worse ideas, like permissions on baskets.

    Yes carebears are not the only reason why the game has issues, its just a major reason for it.
    Dont get upset at the PVPers for wanting the things they were told in game to work, and be there. Then when you say things like "Well we dont want the contested zones right now, the carebear totems are taking up too much room as it is" haha. Its too funny, your OWN system is screwing you and now you want MORE safe totem area, thinking it will fix that problem. Again lack of thinking through the details of things you want. You wont even be happy with the new safe totem areas if they were to give it to you, because it doesnt fix the problem. You are treating a symptom and not the problem. Problem is that safe totems cant be removed and they dont decay.
    Fix the problem, dont treat with adding more safe totem areas when that is already the problem.
    Contested totem areas will fix WAY more issues than you getting some safe totem areas.
    Yes I know then you will say "Well lets split it in 1/2 thats fair" haha who cares about "fair" I care about whats best for the game. Plus I dont see how its "fair" at all when you already have 100% of the map which is 2x bigger than the new zones coming into the game. Great now you going to say something like "well I only give in a 15m x 15m so right now I only have safe totems in .00017% of the map" or some crap. Which again, makes no sense because its not ONLY you that is breaking the game. Its all the totems that are around that people cant do crap about, its the people that grief using these safe totems, and special systems you are asking for.

    So you havnt started any threads, I dont see how that proves any point you are making. Should link posts about how you want 2 servers because you cant deal with PVP?

  3. #3
    So you havnt started any threads, I dont see how that proves any point you are making. Should link posts about how you want 2 servers because you cant deal with PVP?
    Yes. Please do. A post where I say I can't deal with the current PvP or the one the devs plan...the current one, not the one you or any other players want to be implemented.

    Try to be objective. I said we don't need contested totem areas now because the contest system is not in place yet. Doesn't this make sense ?
    If we can't contest, how exactly can an area be contested ?

    Totem decay is the solution that will solve the problem of abandoned tribe area. Have you ever tried to put yourself into Jordi's shoes ? He wants a totem decay which lasts for like 6-9 months...which is extremely long imo. He wants this so that he can encourage players who have left to come back to the game. Now you say he will just let you to destroy anyone's totem who left the game for 2 weeks ? Seriously ?

    Dont get upset at the PVPers for wanting the things they were told in game to work
    I don't. I hope they will get a good combat system (well PvEers too), I hope they will fix the looting bugs, and I hope one day we will have a nice tribal warfare system. This is what they were promised. I want all of this too. I just want it to be it is promised.

  4. #4
    It seem like you folks ( INCLUDING me ) don't remember very well or very long.

    Why are you even responding to players that present a face that says they support the game, all the while they blast the choices and decisions the developers make because those decisions have not giving them the game they want. Instead of working WITH what they have and make a go if it, like small children, they have been trowing a non-stop fit ever since.

    Giving them any attention, even bad and hostile attention is what players like this want.

    ( and yes I an doing it with this post, but it's for a good purpose )

    They are no more than trolls and do NOT represent more then a fraction of a percent of playing customers. Shoot, most of them do not even play anymore.

    So the BIG question we need to ask ourselves, is why are we listening to anything they say or give them any fuel by responding directly to them? If you do, they will only do what what they always do, bait you into an argument, so they can spin it around and hopefully drive off more players...

    What such players say in not anywhere as important as what they do. Their intent is displayed by their actions. To drive away player in retaliation for not getting the griefer's paradise they were looking for.

    So what one of them is helping new players now... well after they have driven off many others by the incessant whining.

    Wait for it... next posts will be all about how much they have helped the game and how I am crying and need a diaper or some such nonsense.

    I totally want to build fortifications and defend our area from raiders and pk'rs, I completely want to see them reduce resources DRASTICALLY and make rare items only be on contested lands and hard to aquire. I don't care one itty bitty bit about getting killed by a pk'r.

    My goal is to be ready to protect our area and stand on my fortified gate and laugh at them.

    I have a strong feeling that when this game is in full swing, such players will all slink away.

    SO... My suggestion is... put them on ignore and stop responding to them whatsoever.
    Give them NO attention at all.. and don't get baited by them .. after all they are masters at it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Yes. Please do. A post where I say I can't deal with the current PvP or the one the devs plan...the current one, not the one you or any other players want to be implemented.

    Try to be objective. I said we don't need contested totem areas now because the contest system is not in place yet. Doesn't this make sense ?
    If we can't contest, how exactly can an area be contested ?

    Totem decay is the solution that will solve the problem of abandoned tribe area. Have you ever tried to put yourself into Jordi's shoes ? He wants a totem decay which lasts for like 6-9 months...which is extremely long imo. He wants this so that he can encourage players who have left to come back to the game. Now you say he will just let you to destroy anyone's totem who left the game for 2 weeks ? Seriously ?

    I don't. I hope they will get a good combat system (well PvEers too), I hope they will fix the looting bugs, and I hope one day we will have a nice tribal warfare system. This is what they were promised. I want all of this too. I just want it to be it is promised.

    The "current" one is the what it was changed to because of carebears crying. So of course you wont post that you dont like it how it is NOW because this is the carebear version of what was promised before.

    I would love to show you all the changes they made, but sadly they closed those forums, and the ones on these new forums have been deleted since the change, or places you cant access.
    That's how it works when they change it to something.

    I try to put myself in the devs shoes all the time, which is why I come up with ideas that are well thought out, and not a knee jerk reaction to someone crying on the forums, or in an email. I would discuss this with people, and come up with good ideas, and think it through.
    Instead of coming up with ideas like "Lets make more safe areas to fix the problem with too many safe totems" haha, its just so funny even me saying that. It cracks me up that, someone can come up with that as a solution to the problem.

    Who cares if contested totems are able to be taken yet or not. So you plan on pushing that back because a simple system of not able to take a totem? Haha, that can take really a few mins of coding to fix. Just give a totem some HP like a mob.
    Is it perfect? No of course not, but its much better than adding 50 new zones, for safe totem areas with all the same problems as we currently have, thinking that will fix it.

    You also think its perfectly fine to allow rare resources in areas where people can put safe totems. I guess you see no problem with this. Oh right, "But dont place it RIGHT on top of them" like thats really going to help all that much.

    Combat system is only a very very minor part of what PVPers are looking for in this game, and were told they would have.
    They were told REMOVAL OF SAFE AREAS AFTER PRELUDE. Which is 100% changed now to "We will add a system to where people can switch to PVP if they want".

    I dont see where carebears were promised a great PVE game, sadly I never saw that. I did see some stuff, like breeding, and animal taming. Which really even if put in the game now, I dont think would help PVEers be happy either. Heck breeding IS in the game. Look how many people are flocking back to the game because of breeding? Oh wait. My bad. Haha

    Again another case of "We want this" but really you didnt think it through and now that you have what you want, and its not helping.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    It seem like you folks ( INCLUDING me ) don't remember very well or very long.

    Why are you even responding to players that present a face that says they support the game, all the while they blast the choices and decisions the developers make because those decisions have not giving them the game they want. Instead of working WITH what they have and make a go if it, like small children, they have been trowing a non-stop fit ever since.

    Giving them any attention, even bad and hostile attention is what players like this want.

    ( and yes I an doing it with this post, but it's for a good purpose )

    They are no more than trolls and do NOT represent more then a fraction of a percent of playing customers. Shoot, most of them do not even play anymore.

    So the BIG question we need to ask ourselves, is why are we listening to anything they say or give them any fuel by responding directly to them? If you do, they will only do what what they always do, bait you into an argument, so they can spin it around and hopefully drive off more players...

    What such players say in not anywhere as important as what they do. Their intent is displayed by their actions. To drive away player in retaliation for not getting the griefer's paradise they were looking for.

    So what one of them is helping new players now... well after they have driven off many others by the incessant whining.

    Wait for it... next posts will be all about how much they have helped the game and how I am crying and need a diaper or some such nonsense.

    I totally want to build fortifications and defend our area from raiders and pk'rs, I completely want to see them reduce resources DRASTICALLY and make rare items only be on contested lands and hard to aquire. I don't care one itty bitty bit about getting killed by a pk'r.

    My goal is to be ready to protect our area and stand on my fortified gate and laugh at them.

    I have a strong feeling that when this game is in full swing, such players will all slink away.

    SO... My suggestion is... put them on ignore and stop responding to them whatsoever.
    Give them NO attention at all.. and don't get baited by them .. after all they are masters at it.

    I had to reread this a few times because at first I thought you were talking about PVPers ignoring the carebears, because your thoughts of the game are perfectly in line with PVPers haha.

  6. #6
    Jordi did say safe zones would be in for the EARLY prelude. However, did he specify whether or not it would be a forced or optional removal of safe zones? Back a few+ months ago whenever he was talking about that

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