It seem like you folks ( INCLUDING me ) don't remember very well or very long.

Why are you even responding to players that present a face that says they support the game, all the while they blast the choices and decisions the developers make because those decisions have not giving them the game they want. Instead of working WITH what they have and make a go if it, like small children, they have been trowing a non-stop fit ever since.

Giving them any attention, even bad and hostile attention is what players like this want.

( and yes I an doing it with this post, but it's for a good purpose )

They are no more than trolls and do NOT represent more then a fraction of a percent of playing customers. Shoot, most of them do not even play anymore.

So the BIG question we need to ask ourselves, is why are we listening to anything they say or give them any fuel by responding directly to them? If you do, they will only do what what they always do, bait you into an argument, so they can spin it around and hopefully drive off more players...

What such players say in not anywhere as important as what they do. Their intent is displayed by their actions. To drive away player in retaliation for not getting the griefer's paradise they were looking for.

So what one of them is helping new players now... well after they have driven off many others by the incessant whining.

Wait for it... next posts will be all about how much they have helped the game and how I am crying and need a diaper or some such nonsense.

I totally want to build fortifications and defend our area from raiders and pk'rs, I completely want to see them reduce resources DRASTICALLY and make rare items only be on contested lands and hard to aquire. I don't care one itty bitty bit about getting killed by a pk'r.

My goal is to be ready to protect our area and stand on my fortified gate and laugh at them.

I have a strong feeling that when this game is in full swing, such players will all slink away.

SO... My suggestion is... put them on ignore and stop responding to them whatsoever.
Give them NO attention at all.. and don't get baited by them .. after all they are masters at it.