Anyone else getting a bit weary and struggling to keep a positive outlook, im really trying to keep a positive outlook but its getting tough.

Just looking back through the updates I think the last "Public" update which actually added an interesting dynamic to the game was decay(sometime in May i think) with nothing else so far.

The last few weeks has been soley focused on the "Test" server, but to be honest I dont pay my subs to spend my time playing on that.
Also is it correct that inactive accounts get access to the "Test" server because i may aswell have cancelled my sub last month and played on the test server this month.

And yes i do know the games in development but giving people who dont pay access to the "better content" on the test server than the people who actually subscribe to the game is a bit of a joke. Why subscribe?

Subs will probably be due again for most shorlty and i fear more people may be gone in an already deserted world.