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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    If it's because you don't think it's fair that other people are using it as a fast mode of travel... meh, who cares what they're doing. They're not really hurting my experience, how are they hurting yours? Would help to know that.
    This could be said about, cheating, duping, and other stuff.
    Exploiting a broken system is still bad.

    Yes it does hurt me because of how it messes up economy, using roads for travel, and making outposts etc. Many ways it effects people exploiting this "insta travel" system.

  2. #62
    I favor full loot.

    1. If you die, you drop a corpse that becomes fully loot-able. Once it is looted and/or butchered it despawns.

    2. Corpses should attract (or even spawn) predators. This is to deal with the server load of having a ton of corpses laying around. ie. If not looted/butchered and despawned within a certain period of time, bears/zombies/rats/etc. come and eat it up. Therefore if you wait too long before you loot, you'll have to contend with predators, and if you wait too long after that they devour it and it's gone. On a side note I love how in WURM you have to bury corpses.

    3. Totem spawning could be countered with an injury system. ie. When you die, you retain injuries upon respawn. You'll have to lick your wounds before you'll be doing anything strenuous for a spell. Injuries can be re-opened when you over do it. Certain injuries could even be life threatening if you don't get some rest and take it easy moping around your home village. Cooks could make poultices to help increase healing, etc. Bandages could be added to the tailor skill. All kinds of possibilities. WURM also did a great job with this.

    Which brings up a couple of questions.

    Magic Insta-Healing?

    Personally I would not like to see either of these in the game.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenchfoot View Post
    I favor full loot.

    1. If you die, you drop a corpse that becomes fully loot-able. Once it is looted and/or butchered it despawns.

    2. Corpses should attract (or even spawn) predators. This is to deal with the server load of having a ton of corpses laying around. ie. If not looted/butchered and despawned within a certain period of time, bears/zombies/rats/etc. come and eat it up. Therefore if you wait too long before you loot, you'll have to contend with predators, and if you wait too long after that they devour it and it's gone. On a side note I love how in WURM you have to bury corpses.

    3. Totem spawning could be countered with an injury system. ie. When you die, you retain injuries upon respawn. You'll have to lick your wounds before you'll be doing anything strenuous for a spell. Injuries can be re-opened when you over do it. Certain injuries could even be life threatening if you don't get some rest and take it easy moping around your home village. Cooks could make poultices to help increase healing, etc. Bandages could be added to the tailor skill. All kinds of possibilities. WURM also did a great job with this.

    Which brings up a couple of questions.

    Magic Insta-Healing?

    Personally I would not like to see either of these in the game.

    1) I agree with this, but I think there should be punishments or flags for looting people that are not "friends", "Tribemates", or "Allies"

    2) Way to easy to exploit this. You can then have zombies and other resources spawning from people killing a toon over and over, I would rather just see decay, or maybe it will spawn deathbettles after x amount of time that yield almost no resources, and are very easy to kill.

    I posted this in another thread long ago, but its about healing.

    3) I believe in the system you are talking about where you die, you get "wounds" these wounds need to be treated, and you will be at great risk to dying again if not healed.
    Also I believe there is way to much "killing" in the game, there should be a "KO" state which allows people to help you up, and bandage you so you dont bleed out to death.
    Killing should be held for very hard monsters, and evil players wanting to kill you to fully loot you. With killing someone it would bring bad punishments (Like bad karma) onto these evil players. Animals and stuff should normally wonder away, allowing you to come back to life after a small amount of time.

    Now if you use wounds system like WURM has (I will explain it), which you get hit and its not just about a total HP bar, but you get wounds. These wounds can be treated in many ways, light wounds can be easy treated (Resting, bandages with almost no skill, herbs with almost no skill, magic very easy, all healing potions etc). Then you get harsher wounds as you get hurt more and more. Things like "Bleeding" or "Severe", which would kill you if left untreated. So if you are KO'd to badly you will need treatment to prevent you from dying even after you are helped back awake. With bleeding, and severe wounds, you would need to have better treatment to fix them. (Bandages with good or great skill, Herbs that are made by skilled players, magic medium to strong magics, and potions etc)
    Also healing in some of the medical tents with lite treatment could help some of these bleeding and Severe wounds.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenchfoot View Post
    I favor full loot.

    1. If you die, you drop a corpse that becomes fully loot-able. Once it is looted and/or butchered it despawns.

    Which brings up a couple of questions.

    Magic Insta-Healing?

    Personally I would not like to see either of these in the game.
    When you say "despawns"... do you mean I'd have to wait for you to be done looting or butchering before I respawn and go about figuring out what I need to do? Reason I ask is simple... I hate waiting on other people

    If all my stuff is just gonna drop anyway, at least don't make me sit there twiddling my thumbs while you enjoy a bag of tea.

    Far as the rezzing and insta-healing, that does have a more arcadish feel to it than what I find in Xsyon. Especially insta-healing as I can't think of any precedent for that in history. Shamans, for example, take a heck of a long time doing their thing when healing. I can't think of a "SHAZAM" you're healed! type of thing. Even TV Evangelists have a ritual before slapping your forehead.

    Rezzing could have some value from a social / real-life time perspective though. If I'm out hunting Bears of Unusual Sizes on the other side of the map with some friends and one of them dies, it might be a real downer if he then has to run all the way back to the other side of the map to re-join us. Some way of allowing a group to recover from a loss so it can keep going might be good... otherwise it might hinder that dynamic if people think... "nah, died last time and it's just no fun winding up back home by myself after all that travel."

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    3) I believe in the system you are talking about where you die, you get "wounds" these wounds need to be treated, and you will be at great risk to dying again if not healed.
    Also I believe there is way to much "killing" in the game, there should be a "KO" state which allows people to help you up, and bandage you so you dont bleed out to death.
    Killing should be held for very hard monsters, and evil players wanting to kill you to fully loot you. With killing someone it would bring bad punishments (Like bad karma) onto these evil players. Animals and stuff should normally wonder away, allowing you to come back to life after a small amount of time.

    Now if you use wounds system like WURM has (I will explain it), which you get hit and its not just about a total HP bar, but you get wounds. These wounds can be treated in many ways, light wounds can be easy treated (Resting, bandages with almost no skill, herbs with almost no skill, magic very easy, all healing potions etc). Then you get harsher wounds as you get hurt more and more. Things like "Bleeding" or "Severe", which would kill you if left untreated. So if you are KO'd to badly you will need treatment to prevent you from dying even after you are helped back awake. With bleeding, and severe wounds, you would need to have better treatment to fix them. (Bandages with good or great skill, Herbs that are made by skilled players, magic medium to strong magics, and potions etc)
    Also healing in some of the medical tents with lite treatment could help some of these bleeding and Severe wounds.
    I think this would be a good solution to the social grouping issue I was talking about above. Group would need some healing capacity with them, and there would be a chance at recovery and continuing the fun if well managed. After that adrenaline rush, probably be nice to build a fire, heal up and have a good laugh about it anyways.

  5. #65


    1. Yes, the killing of the member of another tribe should have repercussions and effect the political/social atmosphere.

    2. Possibly. I like the death beetles idea. John, Paul, Ringo and such with hoods and scythes ...

    3. Spot on. 1st I like the idea of a mechanic that requires people to need other people. 2nd perma injuries would be a one way trip with a huge loss. Jupming off a cliff could cost you your life over and over again from one leap if you don't seek treatment.

    When you say "despawns"... do you mean I'd have to wait for you to be done looting or butchering before I respawn and go about figuring out what I need to do?
    NO not at all. You could theoretically come back and loot/butcher your own corpse.

    EDIT: The predators was just a creative way to deal with server load. I wouldn't mind seeing the corpse itself being valuable. ie. You retrieve a corpse, give it a proper burial near your deity's alter or some such and you gain some kind of spiritual bonuses or something? Or if you were evil you could part it out to make things out of.

    Death beetles is fine too, just as long as they are cleaned up and don't cause heavy load. It can be a pain to drop what you're doing and go out and clean up corpses that other people left, just so you can reduce lag so you can get back to what you were doing in the first place.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Death penalties are incoming, so I guess it won't be worth to commit suicide as a fast travel method.
    How are you sure it won't be worth it? Anyway... Park an alt, trade to it, kill alt, start resource gathering with main while running alt back. Rinse, repeat.

    And that's if the death penalty is even harsh enough, which it won't be. It can't be harsh or it will just deter people from taking any risk at all. In addition to that, being camped or in a siege situation where you may die a lot would be a bitch with a harsh death penalty.

    Book -

    It's not hard to figure out the exploit. Already gave an example above. I used to do this a few months ago. I'd have people in my tribe gather sand, then kill them all after they were full. I'm quite confident in saying that isn't the intention Jordi had.

    Everything on the body and in the backpack needs to drop on any type of death. Grave stays for 1 hour or until fully looted. Simple solution, fixes travel exploit, and works. Also, yes... It can keep people from jumping off of a cliff to save their gear. With the current mechanic, I'd do it if I knew death was eminent. Just like Jadzia said she'd drop her bags before dying. *golf clap*

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    If all my stuff is just gonna drop anyway, at least don't make me sit there twiddling my thumbs while you enjoy a bag of tea.

    Far as the rezzing and insta-healing, that does have a more arcadish feel to it than what I find in Xsyon. Especially insta-healing as I can't think of any precedent for that in history. Shamans, for example, take a heck of a long time doing their thing when healing. I can't think of a "SHAZAM" you're healed! type of thing. Even TV Evangelists have a ritual before slapping your forehead.
    The key for you "twiddling" your thumbs is the fact that I believe rezing should be part of that timer there. I also believe you should be able to insta tap out and say "send me to my death". Darkfall does this pretty well. The dying out timer is like 2mins, or 10 seconds if you wish to return back to your spawn. This gives time for people to rez you. Also in DFO there is a "gank" action which takes about 10second to "finish" someone. Which helps in PVP combat where friends can protect you from "dying", when you are knocked down and pretty much bleeding out. So they can keep someone from "ganking" you and you get a chance for friends to come in and safe you AKA rez you. Works really well.

    Rezzing and Insta-healing in relation to history or real life: This is a game. Last I checked in real life, if you die, you dont respawn back at your house in 30 seconds. Thus, whats the problem with going a pit more and thinking maybe there are magics and other ways to insta mend someone's wounds?

    Fun vs Realism. The game should be fun and realistic as it can be. But dont short change it being fun just because a minor detail like, no insta healing in real life.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Last I checked in real life, if you die, you dont respawn back at your house in 30 seconds.
    Now that right there is probably the best public service announcement I've heard in a long time, even if it completely throws off my plans for Saturday night...

    I hear ya on the insta-heal thing. Maybe it's become kind of a main staple in mmo's and it would feel off not having that role available.

    One of the things that makes Xsyon unique to me is the close relationship with reality though... I've had a lot of fun in things like WoW or Everquest II or SWG etc, but it's also nice to have a break from too much make-believe which is what I find in Xsyon.

  9. #69
    Not sure why you would actually want such a tired old idea to be put into this game. Corpse runs??? please.

    Again its back to let's make this like other games, NOT let's dream up something interesting and unique...

    Please try again.

  10. #70
    How about corpses despawn after 1 hour. You will respawn without your loot if you die but have 1 hour to retrieve it.

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