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  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    Not sure why you would actually want such a tired old idea to be put into this game. Corpse runs??? please.

    Again its back to let's make this like other games, NOT let's dream up something interesting and unique...

    Please try again.

    Sorry, I didnt see your idea here. Can you please give me a link? Or should we keep with the system that hurts trade and economy, and think this isnt tired and been done in other games badly?

    I have no problem with corpse runs. Most sandbox games does it, because of trade and economy is the main reason for most sandbox games. Along with building up a world.

  2. #72
    This is a reply by Beatnik59 to a thread over on MMORPG about SWG closing down in December. His words are very true and very much relevant to the discussions going on here.

    "...SWG game me the belief that what we were doing was important; that we had a responsibility to make the game work. That's the great thing about sandbox, but also the reason why nobody wants to touch it. The game needs people to fulfill the vision, and it relies on everybody playing in the spirit of the game. When people make the game conform to their version of fun, rather than conform themselves to the game's needs, the sandbox dies...."

    Full thread is here :

  3. #73
    Have to admit, map is going to be very large and it's not like we're respawning close to our bodies like in some other games...

    A long corpse run isn't fun. I mean it's one thing if it's part of the pvp pain people enjoy feeling but not like pvp is the only thing that's going to kill you out there. Corpse run winds up feeling a lot like a time sink if it isn't thought out right.

    I know exploits need to be taken care of, but anything you come up with will eventually be exploited in some fashion won't it? Just saying something that isn't TOO painful would be nice if corpse runs are intended.

    @Drevar... spirit of the game needs to be fairly well fleshed out and somewhat firm doesn't it? I mean, how else do people know if they're playing within the spirit of the game? That's why I think it's great that Xsyon and Dev team listen to player input... but sometimes I think it might be a little too much. IE. As much fun as I may have thinking about innovative siege mechanics, if that wasn't part of the original design Xsyon was passionate about that got him started on this journey... goodness's sakes don't put siege in then. I think as much as possible one has to have faith in their vision and stick it through without swaying in the wind too much, either way the wind may be blowing. Easy for me to say though, I've nothing on the line here.

  4. #74
    I like full item drop on death but perhaps its too harsh for people who are not used to it. So what if a player dies he drops the stuffs of his 5 random inventory slots ? And no corpse run...what he dropped disappears from the game in 5 mins. Thats good for the economy, good for trading and no boring corpse runs. We have so many items in game, the more disappear the better

    Just to make it clear, not 5 items, but 5 slots...if he has 1000 nails on 1 slot and the slot is chosen then he drops all the nails.

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    Have to admit, map is going to be very large and it's not like we're respawning close to our bodies like in some other games...

    A long corpse run isn't fun. I mean it's one thing if it's part of the pvp pain people enjoy feeling but not like pvp is the only thing that's going to kill you out there. Corpse run winds up feeling a lot like a time sink if it isn't thought out right.

    I know exploits need to be taken care of, but anything you come up with will eventually be exploited in some fashion won't it? Just saying something that isn't TOO painful would be nice if corpse runs are intended.

    Items are easy to replace, and its already a full loot game (not really with all the bugs and current plans working but its said to be). So why are you worried about your loot? I mean really, when I die, I expect my loot to be looted when I play games like DFO, and I see no difference here.

    No every system you come up with doesnt have to be exploited. Even if it were, you would want to at least try to limit the impact of exploited systems. Right now how you respawn with all your items is exploited often. It will kill the economy and tactics of the local resources if its not fixed.

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    My following responses to your post are not designed to irritate you, but are intended to help you see another point of view.

    to ME... Xsyon's reply's are in keeping with what I have always believed to be the way this game is and was supposed to be.

    A game where blind ganking would not take place often if at all, where what WE did determined how safe or unsafe we were, and were WE could as a tribe or group could choose to participate in some aspect of the game or not, and be allowed to remain in that state unhindered by other groups that wanted to prevent that.

    I know you don't believe that such a game will succeed and perhaps it won't, but I SURE want to see it happen and will stick around and see if I can help see it come to pass, by paying to play, giving feedback, and simply hope I get my wish.

    ALSO: I fully understood this game would change in many ways as it is developed, that it was already a work in progress, was not complete, and would at times have broken pieces as they work on new ideas or try new systems. The fact they have a test server helps my perspective even more as I don't have to deal with many of the effects of improvement while I play.
    This exactly

    Added after 5 minutes:

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Sorry, I didnt see your idea here. Can you please give me a link? Or should we keep with the system that hurts trade and economy, and think this isnt tired and been done in other games badly?

    I have no problem with corpse runs. Most sandbox games does it, because of trade and economy is the main reason for most sandbox games. Along with building up a world.
    I thought the sandbox game was just to play... Not for trade and economy as most people think trade and econ means ridiculous trades and insane prices... That could just be me personally though.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Items are easy to replace, and its already a full loot game (not really with all the bugs and current plans working but its said to be). So why are you worried about your loot? I mean really, when I die, I expect my loot to be looted when I play games like DFO, and I see no difference here.
    Oh noes... don't make me say it man, don't do it!... this isn't DFO... argh, I said it

    Incidentally, if things are so easy to acquire and replace, why are YOU so interested in my loot?

    But anyway, fix exploits as they appear, agreed.

    What Jadzia is saying might be a good compromise though. Maybe find an equation that would use the random element but make it less possible for someone to fill up with useless stuff hoping to lessen the chances of losing the few useful things to bring home.

    We've got physics experts working on this game... they can probably handle an equation or two

  8. #78
    Sandbox means more than that, it means we drive the story and gameplay. We are the story, we create it. If the story is big enough, most of the population will know about it. Such as a large war between two huge tribes. Then you have mercenaries coming from all over the world looking to join to help the larger tribes (perhaps voluntary or the larger tribes pay for more merc soldiers)

    Or perhaps the story line is controlled behind the scenes by a secret alliance of crafters who play strings with politics because they have all these valuable crafted items and can pay off merc tribes to do their bidding.

    Or An evil tribe who goes around picking on mini tribes and travels around the world and 24 hours later they have most of the world knocking at their door to wipe them off the map (or at least destroy their area of influence in territory control areas, since we will likely never see CAPITAL totem capture...which is good, only expansion totems should be able to be captured IMO).

    These are scenarios that should all be possible in a TRUE sandbox game.

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    Oh noes... don't make me say it man, don't do it!... this isn't DFO... argh, I said it

    Incidentally, if things are so easy to acquire and replace, why are YOU so interested in my loot?

    But anyway, fix exploits as they appear, agreed.

    What Jadzia is saying might be a good compromise though. Maybe find an equation that would use the random element but make it less possible for someone to fill up with useless stuff hoping to lessen the chances of losing the few useful things to bring home.

    We've got physics experts working on this game... they can probably handle an equation or two

    Have it always drop 3 random equipped items and then 2 other random items.

    That way you are guaranteed to get at least something.

  10. #80
    Don't like corpse runs? Don't make the run. Only time I do in DF is if it's close enough to bother. If not, I just chalk it up as a loss.

    Jadzia and others... Full drop, and 1 hour. If you choose to run back, you have realistic chance to get your stuff back (unless it was a PvP death, of course). Don't forget that mounts are supposed to be in at some point. That turns this "huge" world into smaller one, which leads to an easier run if you choose to engage it.

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