My following responses to your post are not designed to irritate you, but are intended to help you see another point of view.

to ME... Xsyon's reply's are in keeping with what I have always believed to be the way this game is and was supposed to be.

A game where blind ganking would not take place often if at all, where what WE did determined how safe or unsafe we were, and were WE could as a tribe or group could choose to participate in some aspect of the game or not, and be allowed to remain in that state unhindered by other groups that wanted to prevent that.

I know you don't believe that such a game will succeed and perhaps it won't, but I SURE want to see it happen and will stick around and see if I can help see it come to pass, by paying to play, giving feedback, and simply hope I get my wish.

ALSO: I fully understood this game would change in many ways as it is developed, that it was already a work in progress, was not complete, and would at times have broken pieces as they work on new ideas or try new systems. The fact they have a test server helps my perspective even more as I don't have to deal with many of the effects of improvement while I play.