Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
Funny thread, Dub
When I first read Trench's questions I was like poor guy...his intention is good but what answers he would get lol. If you want clear answers you have to ask much much more defined questions.

Like this. What answer did he expect...ok you want to make peace...sure you can. Shake the hand of your enemy, kiss him and its done. Or smoke a peace-pipe. Whatever

Very vague question imo. You can change the world by simply moving to another place...where you play an aggressive evil character, you band together with your evil friends and there you go the area is much more unsafe now. The question doesn't force an answer about the game mechanics.

The first question was a well defined one, and he got a correct and clear answer.

Again very vague. What does victory mean in Xsyon ? What does victory mean for Trench ? I don't know. Communities entering the state of victory...is that a victory if a tribe wins the fight over one of his enemy tribes ? Or only victory if they win the fight over all of their enemies ? Or only victory if they can conquer and rule even the peaceful tribes who never attacked them ?

The answer for the second part is clear imo : maintaining safe zone through hard work. Aka paying upkeep for safe zones, or paying a price for he expansion of the safe zone.

Even the word 'safe' doesn't mean the same for us. For me it means that something cannot be attacked, destroyed, looted, killed, anything. Safe. For Trench I guess it means something different...something that can be attacked but he has to protect it...I guess. That means totally unsafety for me.

Edit: another example for a question which will result a vague answer:

to protect yourself...what does it mean ? If I can build walls and gates which give me 100% protection then I protected myself. But again I'm pretty sure VeryWiiTee didn't mean that.
So even if the answer was: yes later on you have to work to protect yourself, again we wouldn't know if that means 100% safe walls and gates or it means that we have to fight to keep these walls up.

So my conclusion is: we need much more specific questions if we want clear answers.
I agree the vagueness goes both ways. But there is definitely detailed and well thought out questions people have asked that get an answer that seem to dodge the question. Examples Dub provided aren't the greatest