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  1. #1
    Yeah wife and I talked about this some when we were considering getting two accounts...

    I can start with basketry and as long as I don't mind grinding a lot, I can make ANYTHING....all by myself. It may not be quite as high quality as the person next to me, but really...that's not going to matter much.

    If I can craft what I need, why in the world would I travel halfway across the map to get something with +1....

    Recipes need to be limited...resources need to be regional...and there needs to be a significant skill-cap in place. Xsyon will NEVER feel like a world if a tribe (or homesteader) never NEEDS or WANTS for anything outside of their four walls...

  2. #2
    Appollo (or anyone else from AR) feel free to pop by - I'm mostly playing World of Tanks while waiting for the next decent game to give a try to.

    Send me a PM there.

    Take care, Xsyon really is a wasteland.

  3. #3
    Can I have Kinslayers stuff? More stuff with his name on it the better.

  4. #4
    I totally aggree with everything he said. This is also my view on the things and i don't understand why developers can't get a proper character system ( after all the basics are there it only needs adjustments that you can't skill everything ). Yes people WILL be annoyed that they can't be good fighters AND good gatherers BUT thats what we want....roles.

    But as you say, player interaction is where the game breaks down, not just in PvP, but also in things like recipes and resources. We were always told, back in beta, that recipes will be unique to individuals, that no one tribe will be able to be self sufficient, much less a single person. Unfortunately the game hasnt turned out like that.

    and also the wall argument 100% true. the capital city should ofc not be contested at any time because after all its a game and it is not fun to lose weeks of gameplay. The additonal slots could also mean losing weeks of gameplay but they are optional and with more local ressources ( yes not every region should be good for everything. If one region is bad for metal for example than thats how the game is ) you gain more power

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Niburu View Post
    I totally aggree with everything he said. This is also my view on the things and i don't understand why developers can't get a proper character system ( after all the basics are there it only needs adjustments that you can't skill everything ). Yes people WILL be annoyed that they can't be good fighters AND good gatherers BUT thats what we want....roles.
    Personally, I don't want roles at all. In a sandbox game which has no alts its not a good idea imo. If a dedicated player plays for years and he wants to be everything he should be able to...but it should take years. The main problem is that everything is too easy to max in the game....if lvl 90 scavenging took a year to get, same with fishing, combat skills etc players being self-sufficient wouldn't be a problem. And I would limit the recipes a crafter can 1 armor set of a given lvl, 1 set of lvl 50, 1 set of lvl 60, 1 weapon for lvl 80 and so on. This way even high lvl crafters would be dependent of others, while they wouldn't be limited that what can they do in the game.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Personally, I don't want roles at all. In a sandbox game which has no alts its not a good idea imo. If a dedicated player plays for years and he wants to be everything he should be able to...but it should take years. The main problem is that everything is too easy to max in the game....if lvl 90 scavenging took a year to get, same with fishing, combat skills etc players being self-sufficient wouldn't be a problem. And I would limit the recipes a crafter can 1 armor set of a given lvl, 1 set of lvl 50, 1 set of lvl 60, 1 weapon for lvl 80 and so on. This way even high lvl crafters would be dependent of others, while they wouldn't be limited that what can they do in the game.
    I think that you only shoud be able either a good crafter (and even as a crafter you should only be able to produce only a few things with very high quality) or a good fighter. The possibility or every person being self-sufficent is the death of every sandbox-mmo.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
    I think that you only shoud be able either a good crafter (and even as a crafter you should only be able to produce only a few things with very high quality) or a good fighter. The possibility or every person being self-sufficent is the death of every sandbox-mmo.
    Wouldn't mind seeing the limitations imposed be rather malleable though, allowing people to make any type of character they can imagine or want to role-play, but within reason type of thing.

    SWG system used to irk me a little as it didn't always allow the kind of variability that would be nice, if possible.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
    I think that you only shoud be able either a good crafter (and even as a crafter you should only be able to produce only a few things with very high quality) or a good fighter. The possibility or every person being self-sufficent is the death of every sandbox-mmo.
    I definitely agree...I hope there are some solid limitations's a flippin' MMO...everyone being able to do everything will NEVER be a good thing for the community or the game...and will just ensure that all new players feel so far behind the curve that they think they'll never catch up.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Aiden View Post
    I definitely agree...I hope there are some solid limitations's a flippin' MMO...everyone being able to do everything will NEVER be a good thing for the community or the game...and will just ensure that all new players feel so far behind the curve that they think they'll never catch up.
    I think everyone doing everything is fine IF they do not do it well. Meaning if you can make everything but its all crappy. Then I see no problem with that. If you can do everything at the top end or very close to top end. Then that's where problems are.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Personally, I don't want roles at all. In a sandbox game which has no alts its not a good idea imo. If a dedicated player plays for years and he wants to be everything he should be able to...but it should take years. The main problem is that everything is too easy to max in the game....if lvl 90 scavenging took a year to get, same with fishing, combat skills etc players being self-sufficient wouldn't be a problem. And I would limit the recipes a crafter can 1 armor set of a given lvl, 1 set of lvl 50, 1 set of lvl 60, 1 weapon for lvl 80 and so on. This way even high lvl crafters would be dependent of others, while they wouldn't be limited that what can they do in the game.
    If it took someone a year to get 90 scavenging I think most people would hate that, and not play. I would rather have fast leveling of skills but also have fast decay. Thus people couldnt keep skills high but they could do everything if the choose just would have to reskill it sometimes.

    So say you were a homestead type of person. You could make the best QL stuff in the game, ALL of it. But you couldnt do it all at once. So you would have to say level up woodcrafting to 100, level up tool crafting to 100. Make your tools, and make a lot of high QL wood stuff. Then you would start training up, weaponcrafting, and scavenging. It doesnt take long maybe like 4 or 5 days of playing (which is really like 20 to 30 hours of played time) to get those to 100. Make your weapons using the good tools, good wood, good scavenged items and 100 weaponcrafting. Then you start work on bone armor crafting, and foraging.

    You can keep doing this for all skills if you really wanted everything at the best QL, and not effect economy in a negative way.
    Sure it would be harder for a solo homesteader to do it. But not impossible and I believe through trade, most homestead type of people would love this.

    Now as a dedicated crafter of say, tools you would make a name for yourself, and even go further with it, getting ultra rare resources to make the best of the best stuff.
    Also as a dedicated crafter in a tribe, you would have a purpose and the tribe would want you. Sure they could spend 10 to 20 hours training it up themselves but really it would be a lot more effective to have someone doing it all the time.

    I also believe that if you want to be the jack of all trades but master of none you could use that in this system. Simple give skill a stack ranking. 1 to 10 would = .05 points. 10 to 20 = .2 points, 20 to 30 = .6 points. 30 to 50 = 1 point, 50 to 75 = 1.25 points, 75 to 90 = 1.5 points, 90 to 95 = 2 points, 95 to 99 = 3 points, 100 = 5 points.

    This will allow people to have either many or all skills at low level, but few skills at high level. You can even do this with a soft cap with decay.

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