Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
I wouldn't consider you a carebear in the slightest if your safe zone was walls you worked for to build to provide your safe zone. Also wouldn't call you a carebear in the slightest for wanting no capital totem capture. That's fine because Jordi never said anything about capital totem capture, just safe zone removal. Plus, it's just a downright bad idea to forceably remove the last remaining place someone has to call home (the capital totem area). Mutual agreement capital totem capture would work, but my goodness, that would be some high stakes warfare. I for one would NEVER engage in it.

Carebears (relating to safe zones) are those who want to be able to place a safe zone anywhere, at anytime, instantly, for free.

edit: I learned something new today too. Higher foraging skill (maybe scav too?) = faster resource gathering.

I love how I constantly am learning stuff about this game, even though I am one of the most active in the game. That is a very large positive for me, although it must be tough to be a newbie and not know anything. That's why I'm making a guide with the help of all the Xsyon players, because newbies hardly stand a chance at rolling the character they want to roll...and understanding how the game works before they quit.
I feel like I need to point something out that this post made me realize. One of the big things about this game is that there are no NPC's or NPC cities and that the world is shaped by the players.

Well if there is no "Capital" totem capture then doesn't that mean the city is essentially permanent and immovable? And in turn doesn't that basically make it an NPC city? So if the big argument is that you shouldn't lose your main city because you'd have nowhere to go, then why not just have permanent NPC cities?

What's the difference besides who gets to design it?

Anyways sorry for going off topic, I don't agree with Kinslayer all the time but he's more or less spot on. But then again this has been said quite a few places already.