if i have to through another eppilepsy attack from my camera cliping the rocks or trees im going to contact the fair trades of servises and complain. maybe b4 introducing new loot and what not u should fix whats allready in the game
if i have to through another eppilepsy attack from my camera cliping the rocks or trees im going to contact the fair trades of servises and complain. maybe b4 introducing new loot and what not u should fix whats allready in the game
You press the Home or End (cant recall which) key to change the camera view![]()
that doesnt fix the fact that if u try to cut down a bushy tree u get a screen full of branches and when u go over hills a moulth full of rocks. i really like the concept of this game but it needs so much polishing instead of concentrating on new content they should polish what they got.
another thing i noticed today is that if u see trees on a plain from far away and u run all the way there the trees move what gives im not into chasing trees thx i like them to be where i spoted them
They need content before they can atually polish it. Camera is NOT a biggie. It is annoying that rendered items doesn't clip the camera distance but you can just use home.
The tree thing has something to do with the new zone sizes. The tree is rendered before the actual zone the tree is inside is rendered.
maybe there isnt enough content for u old timers but theres plenty to keep me busy and the only things that get to me are the camera/trees/lack of animals(walked for an hour in the mountains and only killed 1 bear) i dont mind the lag the random crashes and the game not minimizing.
Im pretty sure that any1 that buys this and sees the crapy camera will be like wtf the devs cant even provide a decent cam how are they going to do anything else they say.
Cameras vary from game to game..
There are way more important things to fix than you not wanting to press home instead of a zoom out/in fluid mechanism is another deal.
I bought the game long time ago, the camera never got me thinking of that, sure it wasn't what I was used to, but it rarely is. So. Your theory is kind of wrong.
It is sort of like reality.. Trees doesn't grow transparent just because you walk through their leaves, neither do they in this game. That there are some trees with massive branches reaching the terrain is another thing and they are annyoing. Cut them if you don't like them. In the mountains they provide cover for animals and yourself, that's just natural. (mabbeh we could stop them from growing on top of each other and in water :P)
I'm pretty sure animals are bugged by stone surface at the moment which would make it increasingly hard for them to move around in the mountains. Secondly you are not supposed to see animals at your every turn, a thing people seems used to from other MMOs. You are supposed to hunt them for the purpose of materials not because you want to level combat (I do agree animals are sparse, but I think it's more because of AI problems than it is density.)
I'm btw, not defending the problems. Just saying you might want to change your view on certain aspects. Some are bugs, some is just vanity. The camera is vanity. I dunno what your tree problem is. There are plenty of them around now and they regrow (according to the test server).
- Btw, talking about AI problems. World of Warcraft is still dealing with "unhittable mobs". Mobs that are bugged and only stay in one place, to reset back to full hp when they are close to die.
Camera center needs to be JUST above the head, not the back of the head.
Xsyon Citizen
Xsyon Citizen
Xsyon Citizen