Okay, here's my wish list (not that I expect that all can be done in July ...)

1. A new game option (Check Box) called "Show all projects". Otherwise only completed projects are shown.

2. Resource distribution/scavenging fixes: looks like the last patch is a step in the right direction but also broke some things. See thread in prelude section of forum.

3. Stone. Like different metals have different benefits now (good change!) do the same for stones. Make us choose whether to use granite, limestone, basalt, chalk, flint, quartz, obsidian.

4. Logging. I just came from an area where someone had cut all trees down (yeah, old story, I know). The logger didn't even bother to make logs but left the felt trees, thus the area was a thick mess of trees lying all around. Some drastic remedy is needed: make it so that cutting a tree removes a stat point.

Stat points removed while cutting trees can only be recovered through woodworking.

5. Death penalty. Permanent removal of a stat point through death seems reasonable. Drop all backpacks and pouches at location of death. Auto-set permissions of these packs and pouches to "public", i.e. everybody can pick what they like. I would like if the berry called "self-heal" would work (out of combat). That way one can heal up after a fight.