ok, here goes...

1) Make all actions in the action menu functional. Seriously - I know some actions will take alot of coding, but the game never should have been released without all aspects of the UI being in game. This includes hunting, animal taming, agriculture, etc... This is not a shot at the developers, just a general comment.
2) Some manner of transporting large amounts of materials/resources. Whether it be pull sleds, wagons, pack animals, teleporters (kidding), or whatever. If resources are now distributed throughout the world to promote trade, make the trade reasonable. Filling a basket at someones tribal area & having them kill you is not reasonable (especially with the upcoming death penalty). This NEEDS to be done prior to implementing shops (so folks can buy large quantitys of bricks, dirt, sticks, etc...)
3) I like nameable bins.
4) ZOMBIES!!! 'Nuff said.
5) Spawning at world events. Right now, one of the few in-game high lights are world events (few as they are). Implement something that would allow players to spawn at the event when they are killed. Part of this coding could include "entrance fees" to go toward rewards, auto-ports to the area, etc... This would free up the guides from taking care of the players and allow them to focus on running the event AND make the ability availible to tribes so they can host their own.

These are just my ideas and are centered around improvements & keeping up player interest and interaction.

Feel free to comment.