1) An Arch prototype construction area (roped off section) That is immune to slope warnings to be used with terraform skill to true level an area a few different sizes would be nice, Hate having 1 little bump throw a wall section off.
2) Wooden Chests yes its like a basket but should be able to keep outside of tents without the sever rain decay (once its added).
3) Storage shed,cellar,warehouse (arch building that works like a mega bin.) 500 slots and/or the ability to over-stack slots 500 white wool Cloth taking only 1 slot.
4) Torches, Braziers, or other light source besides campfires to light up our camps. I would like to see them able to be on stands, added to a wall section, and Held in off hand.
5) Add the move menu (from arch) To Bins (and if made chests) so we can line them up better.