I'd like to see new models that can be hunted more for the gain of loot/fun (not crafting materials or parts). These models shouldn't just spawn.
There would be cases where mutated animals could wander out of the mist to attack people, but you would mostly encounter mutated animals if you chase an animal into the mist.
- Mutated animals would not possess loot in form of weapons (unless they stop walking on all four), but mostly possess mutated crafting parts with warped bonuses (perhaps rare bonuses that are better)
- They are a lot more common in misty areas than around the lake.
I'd like to see Revenants that spawns at night, it would be cool to have them attack people or even form little armies that marches on towns.
- They could provide any kind of loot so long it is visible and also carry lesser items, such as herbs, crafting parts, tools etc (stuff that goes in Bins)
- They can spawn pretty much everywhere.

More to DDT:
Didn't your teacher ever teach you to think -outside- the box and interpret?

You can do it for the lulz if you like to, I admit that one might be a bit problematic in that specific context, it should be fun to kill and it should be something you can do to gain experience in hunting and a bit of experience for your exp bar. The only reason I said no hunting for the lulz is if an entire player base hunt for the lulz there won't be any animals left to hunt within a very short amount of time. Ie. You need to think before you hunt.
Say we have a player base of 1k, and everyone decides to pair up. We have 500 hunting teams that would want to kill 100 animals each. That's 50k animals. Suddenly YOU'VE KILLED THE ENTIRE POP.
Let's say that just 50 of that 1k player base decides to hunt 100 animals for the lulz. You've decimated 5k animals (which is 1k above the already population on the live server last I heard).
Do the math yourself. It won't take many people to make every animal type go into hiding/be extinct. THAT was why I said don't just do it for the lulz, 'cos then you'll all just end up whining that you indeed can't find animals.
- In other games creatures will just spawn a new, they don't in Xsyon. So you can do hunting for the lulz as much as you want as they have a (almost) static spawn timer, they'll never disappear.
Hunting Animals for fun is going to be minimum if you want to have a steady supply of leather/bone materials at your hands, especially with weather decay coming, suddenly your pretty bone armor is gone, what'ya gonna do when you can't find animals, whine, wait no you don't have the rights to whine because you decimated the population well-knowing it would turn out like that.
Hunting Revenants for fun, since they will spawn (dig themselves out of the ground at night) and not breed is more likely to be the case in Xsyon. You don't have to care if you make an entire population extinct as they can't grow extinct.

(I make a distinction between animals and revenants and mobs)
Mobs will carry loot regardless of you being able to see it or not - the usual encounter in MMO's. You can get a hammer from a wolf.
Animals are Xsyon specific -animals- that won't carry any given item, but provide you with crafting materials. You get leather from skinning it.
Revenants would be the first Xsyon mob as it can carry many kinds of items, not only items used for crafting. You can get crafting materials, but also weapons and armor (should they carry it) etc.

Actually I was just quoting Xsyon on some areas. Animals won't have 'loot' as you know it, they contain parts/crafting materials (call it loot if you want, I call it parts/materials) you use in crafting whereas humanoid mobs such as Revenants (Zombies as you'd like to call them - wrong name btw) contains loot in form of armor, weapons etc, because it is what they use/what you can see them use, you can gain from their loot table. Can you see a bear use a blade.. NO.

I don't consider Xsyon experience the same as any other game; I don't gain a physical level I can see and touch, I don't gain permanent attributes and I can't gain new actions and my skills I already got don't improve.
All I get from a level is just skill points that indicates what my character would be doing when I'm offline, one fraction of what other games levelling will provide you with.

Go read up on how Experience and Loot works in Xsyon
Or alternatively
Get a life and a Girlfriend/Boyfriend.. Whatever suits you 'cos you clearly play too much.