Howdy folks!

I think part of the problem with the new system (haven't had time to log in for a while but I did get to try it and even tested it out in the 1000's with fatboy!) so yeah, I think the problem is a lack of variety. I think the system was kind of broken before too, just that it was giving WAY too much quantity of stuff. For example, it got to the point where if I saw just one more baseball bat, I was going to lose my mind.
It would be great if with the new system, we still got very low quantity of any type of thing, but a greater variety than we're currently getting.

For example, I find mostly cloth and a few random leather items and tons of money everywhere I've gone on the map. I've gone a good distance! I have scav level 86. It would be nice if I found not 35 knife blades or anything, but one of those, one recipe, one of something else... you get the idea. Just more variety, but not more quantity of each item.

I LOVE the idea of painting buildings! I don't think it's necessarily a priority but in the future, painting my little town red with a big HELL sign in front might come in handy

I also think it's great to have recipes beyond 100, but would imagine that as an expansion in the future after all is in game that should be and working/tweaked accordingly.

I don't believe someone who wants to be an excellent PvPer should have any master crafting at all. Period. Just as an excellent crafter would only be a mediocre pvper.

I believe a homesteader who wants to be more solo should be able to have basic recipes in all crafting if that's what they want, and one master craft. For instance, they should be able to make themselves rudimentary low level fur clothing for winter. Rudimentary low level bone armor to hunt bears. Rudimentary low level (ie. not bins) baskets (low slot numbers). The basic architecture needed for protection and some comfort. ETC.
Nobody should be gimped because others want to force a more social play. I don't care if you agree or not just my opinion.

@DDT I don't think that many people are necessarily racing to 100 in all levels at all. Some don't have the interest, and prefer to role-play the homesteader type I mentioned above. Many others simply don't have the time. A majority of the playerbase should the game really take off will be casual players. That's where the money is in the long-term.

Architecture, I think everyone should have the opportunity to work with components. ie. low level shouldn't mean anyone is limited to a static teepee and that's it. Everyone should have access to the fun of building blocks as I think that is a hugely innovative and unique part of the game that a lot of people would enjoy. Not second story buildings, or better defensive structures, or all decorations etc. But, enough to allow people's imagination to run wild during the down times at work . Speaking of which... the clock is working against me here! Gotta run again. Have fun folks!