Once there are enough things working that can keep folks occupied...
( because after all, what is any game but a series of tasks that you enjoy performing that keep you entertained )

I feel sure they will do a bit of advertisement, and those players out there that enjoy what this game offers will pour in.

I can tell you from experience, that there are many players that would love this game in its current form if they knew more about it.

I played one game for years that is similar to this one, and knew others that also were willing to stick to playing it through multiple company changing hands, nerfs, complete changes to classes and removal of key features, and yet.. they continued to play because...

It entertained them. and this game today STILL has thousands of active players. I don't play it anymore, because xsyon even in it's current state is better and will become MUCH better.

What Xsyon does is vastly better that that game, since it does allow terraforming and the building is better, pvp is allowed, and it is not another tired rehash of the over saturated fantasy genre.

This game may not be what many, shoot, even most players want. But there IS a good number of players out there that will enjoy this game for what it is.

Only suggestions I have are continue the improvements that you have said you are working on, and give players some repeatable series of tasks that they will find enjoyable. Like Zombies, or rampaging mutant bears that wander into active camps to wreak havoc!

If that is about to happen in game, Please disregard the suggestions