It has been mentioned before that when skilling changed there would be a way to reset your skill points. Is this coming soon? I think that it is about time for this feature seeming as there are different skillcaps etc in place now.

Are you working on fixing fullscreen mode? Most people are forced to play windowed mode now due to the way fullscreen mode crashes when you alt-tab back to windows.

It has been mentioned that ladders are coming soon. Have you thought of the possible use of ladders when sieging another tribal area to get over the walls? This might be a cool feature. Maybe they can only be made in tribal lands but can be moved away for seiges. Making them very heavy to carry like logs would make this exciting.

Will we be able to change the terrain near rivers and on rock soon? It is a little annoting that i cannot terraform areas of my own lands due to it being granite.

Architecture is very time consuming and uses large, heavy resourses. Im fine with that, but it is a real letdown that we get no xp from creating buildings etc. When so much time and effort is spent creating things ingame, it should be rewarded with xp, in my opinion. Are you fixing this asap?

Old saw blades are very hard to come by. They are only used to make saws, which is a basic tool. Why have you done this? It seems to me a much better idea for people to be able to get tools made more easily, otherwise crafts that require a saw are at a large disadvantage compared to other crafts. I think this affects the balance between solo player and tribal player.

Are you keeping in mind the players who want to play solo when you are creating all the new content? Yes, we want to create movement around the map and trade and conflict, but can you please consider the ramifications of the new content on solo players before you implement?