any more posts you gonna add your annoyance that there is no map? We hear you already
As far i im concerned a map is least of my concerns regarding the game and i would rather they spend time on other things and make the game more entertaining.
Regarding the lack of map it hasnt hindered me that much to be honest as there are a few maps easily available on the internet, maybe your sense of direction/understanding of the co-ordinate system is the problem? By asking on the forums ingame we can help if that is the issue.
Yes it is difficult at in the beginning (but its meant to be) we were all beginners at one point so again if you need any help just ask.
I have also made my own maps for tribe use based on the use of the co-ordinate system so it has its own offline cartography career path aswell
Regarding price, im sure there a many other (well polished) titles that people have bought that have only lasted them 2 weeks interest to be left gathering dust on their shelves thereafter, this game is no different, no-one is making you subscribe every month, thats your decision. Dont like it dont sub. We have all taken a hit before when we have been disappointed by a purchase.
Also you had a go at the other poster for replying if you want this for a devs only attention dont post it in Prelude forum, send a PM.