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  1. #1

    We NEED new players... let me explain


    I know that in it's current state, when a new player joins the game, they are expecting to have danger from the start. They expect a world with, well, other players. and it is true that some login and get killed immediately by a bear or once in a great while another player... but then they get to see the reality.

    If it were not for a few of us working hard to take these new players by the hand and lead them to a tribe or an area where other active players play, and if global was not turned on where they can get talk to those of us who are active, then guess what they do?

    I believe they login, see nothing happening, run around a bit and log off to never return. Shoot many of those we lead to other active players rarely stay past a day or two.

    We need then to stick around!

    What many have said to me is that it seems empty and they cannot figure out anything fun to do.

    This happens 90% of the time now. Perhaps the developers do not think the game is ready yet. Perhaps there are other issues. Developement is very slow and needs to be adjusted... and quick or the actives you have will leave as well.

    Next patch... put in something that is FUN.

    Roaming mutants, sea monsters, rampaging bears, wandering vendors that sell rare items for resources. ANYTHING that would keep folks around and make them feel like they are entertained.

    Arch recipes and the like are important, but remember guys its a game... we play to be entertained, not depressed even more with each patch .

  2. #2
    i agree with you here, sad part is i doubt the dev's truly see what we see atm. I know things take time. but things like dc /lag spikes/ scav/recipe tweeaks should be top prioirity. Personaly dont see why a good system had to get slaughtered so quickly. But we shall seee what happens with wensdays patch. I know atm new players (especially the solo types) are not sticking around due to not being able to find anything (for their tools, recipes etc). I hope dev's realize most folks come to this game to play solo then eventually join a tribe..heck sum never do. So when changing the game keep the solo player inmind with the group players.

  3. #3
    no point.
    no purpose.
    no game.

    Why am i doing this?

    even if they add the zomebies. etc. as you what? Yeah it may be fun for a couple hours but then what?

    The game wont attract new players, wont keep those that it gets, and won't bring back the old players until they see a point to the grind. Right now you get the open world cool factor for a couple weeks, and then it's a resounding 'thats it?'. /Shrug. This isn't a new issue.

  4. 07-25-2011, 11:57 AM

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    Yes. ...
    With all due respect, but NO.

    The game's not ready yet for new players, honestly, it never was. Personally I believe (but have nothing to back that up) that launching the game was necessary to fund further development, but for everything else we're playing a half-finished game, yes, it's a paid beta - again, personally I do not care, I pay because I want to see where the game will be going in the coming months.

    Just approach the game the way you would approach it if it were a closed beta, be aware that skills, stats and everything you achieve might be temporary. But the worst thing that could happen to Xsyon now is another wave of new players. In my opinion the game is not ready for that.

  6. #5
    That is why I posted.

    The game is not in a state where people joining it will stay. To me it is lacking in entertainment value that will appeal to the common player. I didn't say anywhere that it is ready for more players, just that they need to make it more fun, to bring it into a state where players would stay.

    I think you would agree, that if the game appealed to most of the common players out there that it would be ready for more players right?

    TO say it as clearly as possible...

    I don't want new players NOW, I want to see fun and entertaining things added asap, to help retain those that are willing to help fund the game and to make the game appeal to more players so that they will join the game, stay, and also help fund this developing game.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post

    I know that in it's current state, when a new player joins the game, they are expecting to have danger from the start. They expect a world with, well, other players. and it is true that some login and get killed immediately by a bear or once in a great while another player... but then they get to see the reality.

    If it were not for a few of us working hard to take these new players by the hand and lead them to a tribe or an area where other active players play, and if global was not turned on where they can get talk to those of us who are active, then guess what they do?

    I believe they login, see nothing happening, run around a bit and log off to never return. Shoot many of those we lead to other active players rarely stay past a day or two.

    We need then to stick around!

    What many have said to me is that it seems empty and they cannot figure out anything fun to do.

    This happens 90% of the time now. Perhaps the developers do not think the game is ready yet. Perhaps there are other issues. Developement is very slow and needs to be adjusted... and quick or the actives you have will leave as well.

    Next patch... put in something that is FUN.

    Roaming mutants, sea monsters, rampaging bears, wandering vendors that sell rare items for resources. ANYTHING that would keep folks around and make them feel like they are entertained.

    Arch recipes and the like are important, but remember guys its a game... we play to be entertained, not depressed even more with each patch .

    Ive been saying this for over a year. Glad to see others are starting to come on board with it.
    No idea why they are working on new Arch recipes, when they need to be working on AI, animal taming and reasons to do something in game first.

    I believe MAYBE the only reason for arch recipes was for gates, but why have gates when the game is easy mode?

  8. #7
    Fun is needed. If someone joined now they might not resub. . they might check back once in awhile (that will slow down).

    The game needs to be at a place where when new players come there is 45+ days worth of interest for the average player. Keep in mind that people that many "new" players might be more casual or expect more. I can see by all of your posts that you support the game strongly and seem upset with people that do not. In my opinion if more players came now you would be preaching a lot more and getting less results.

    When the game can keep people for 2 months (assuming at that point things can be added frequently) then advertise and get people in here. The game is still one of the best as far as potential. Right now, I think you would burn through people who might not check back later - better to draw them when you can hold them.

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