i actually don't feel bad about throwing my money at buying it back in the spring...i got my money's worth...a good month's worth of terraforming and building (which is really quite cool just to do...even without a real reason to do it)...so i got a months worth of gameplay from my subscription. i've bought games that gave me worse.

but coca is definitely correct. This game could have been huge. it was being followed in teh sb 'expat' community, which is about 10K strong, with tendrils into 10x that many...df folks, old disillusioned ultima folks. iff if if this game had (or could) just do most of what it said it was supposed to, the devs would be sitting on a pile of money with several hundred thousand customers. Instead of sitting on a couple hundred actives.

it's really said.

but like i said, i've thrown my money after worse things