With the disconnect behind us(I hope), And combat looking very good. The dev team has two big problems behide them. They also have given us tree regrowth, contianer labeling, animal/mob distribution(I think, Not finding much up north of the lake). And a few more things I'm forgetting at this early hour. And there seems to be a never ending list of stuff that still has to be done, Check the Xsyon In Development list to see just how much is left to do(at this point). I also like to check the Suggested Feature list to see what they think about what we want. For sure this is a lot of info to go through. Make sure you see what the Priority Level is set at on the Suggested Feature, 1 is the highest level.

I know there is a ton more that needs much, much love, But for me I want, No, I need the in-game chat system to be revamped. It gives me such a headache dealing with it, I need tabs with options to turn on and off all types of chat for each tab. I also would love for the options in the Feature requests -Chat options in Issue Number 885 to be added as well.

What's Number One on your list?