Folks.. This entire game is a work in progress. It has been restated many times by the developer he wants all types to play in the same world, and that he wants safety for those that are not interested in pvp, BUT that he wants pvp as well to exist here. HE is working out how that will happen. Slowly we are moving there, and one day I'm sure we will see something unique and amazing here. IN THE MEAN TIME.... I suggest we all play if we enjoy it, move on if we don't and ALL try and get into the idea of what the game is trying to do, and see what you can help make.
work in progress...not really. what has changed since feb? stability is a little better (is that because of code, or because the number of people on at any given time is but a fraction of what it was?). Ok we have animals, and trees grow back. What has changed from a gameplay standpoint?
Work in progress implies that progress is being made.

Following two games that released at the same time, in similar condition...xsyon and earthrise...earthrise has made signficant strides in unscrewing itself, but still has a lot of work to do...that is a work in progress. Xsyon is, functionally, in the exact same place it was 6 months ago. It's a sim.

So. Stop the charade, and make it a sim. Remove the ffa pvp at all...focus on being a sim. I won't play it (i know, some of you are crushed), but maybe somebody will.

Xsyon needs to decide what it's going to be when it grows up. As has been said by many, many times, despite the devs intentions you can't cater to all the people at all times. PIck an audience. Combat sucks. So pick the other audience.