FB,that's one of the first ideas you have had that I really like. Mostly the part about you don't get an expansion totem if you don't choose to go full PvP. By full PvP, it shouldn't mean the capital totem is able to be contested, just raided for items and allowed to be destroyed via siege. However, no totem capture! Guilds combined 1000s of hours terraforming, it's just cruel. But I don't mind being able to destroy wood buildings with fire and stone buildings with siege equipment.

also, i like the 3 day temporary safe zone after placing expansion totem. makes complete sense to have that. maybe even make it one week. building in this game DOES take a long time.

So basically

Capital totem = no safe zone but no totem capture (bins are full loot able, construction destroyable, but ALL items cannot be deleted while on enemy tribe land) = Allowed to have expansion totems
Capital totem = full safe zone as is now = No expansion totems
