Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
mac...talk about spinning

all ddt is saying, is the game was advertised as a ffa sandbox with safe zones that would disappear by design after prelude. It is clear now, that safe zones will never be taken away and that ffa is a joke since there is no reason or requirement to engage in it.

There is no spinning the part about griefing:

Later (today by the edit stamp) you made clear that you're nto advocating griefing, but the original post did kind of revel in it.

If DDT made that same statement, how if figured out how to train a bear blob on unsuspecting players, you would have a fit...

I would not do any such thing. We all knew his "bug" of respawning in the spot he died that he used all the time. I never posted about that before. many of the thing he did were indeed direct acts of griefing other players, and he would just pass them off and allowed game mechanics or bug he was reporting. ( but still used to his advantage. )

It is interesting he has not denied any allegation against him, but continue to misrepresent with others say if it suits his needs. Please show evidence of me griefing anyone at any time.

Like he said the pvp here is pointless atm. I agree. And until we have a reason or needs to cause demand we will never have a viable economy. They are working towards all goals. I am not just waiting on the sidelines trolling the forums, I play every day and give feedback in as constructive a manner as possible. I happen to trust them to pull this off eventually. You have just stopped trusting that like ddt has.

Oh and before I forget... its a common tactic to take a single statement out of context to try and sway folks into believing what was said meant something the spinner wants to convey as if the speaker supports the spinners views...

That's what this post is for. View it as a rebuttle.