This thread is specifically for players that read the board but don't play.
And yes, I know this has been done before, but dynamics of the player base has shifted a bit and things may have changed.
This will server two purposes... first to give the Dev's useful feedback, and second to show active players, the viewpoints of players that have left, but are still interested in the game.
So.... I have 2 questions for you...
1. What made you stop playing in the first place?
( please be specific. something like "too many resources" or "no real conflict" )
2. What would bring you back?
( Here, say anything that would make the game something YOU would like to play )
With both questions ONLY refer to what YOU personally feel, not some un-numbered
vague group of "folks like you" and what they collectively feel.
Also, this is not a thread for you to pontificate the merits of your personal suggestions for the game. Just say what would bring you back to playing and why you left.