Aside from a few (expected) bugs, this was a very nice patch. I didn't get to play much last night so I can't comment on everything but I love the mini map, it looks great. The added chat tabs are well appreciated especially with the combat span but the thing I found most entertaining was the animal AI.

I ran into several animals while testing things last night, a mule deer, cat, and a couple bears. The first was a bear swimming down by the river below us which looked very cool from up above. When I got close he agro'd and I ran back to camp to see what it would do. It chased me up the granite hill and around our camp for a bit, but couldn't get through the open gate. That was a bit disappointing as it makes the gates pointless, but when he decided to try another way, he ran around the camp and came in the only unfinished wall, so not too bad. After that I went out and found another bear on the granite hill behind us. I thought he was stuck until I got close and then he came for me. This one did better trying to get to me on my roof. He ran a huge circle around our place and came at me from an another direction. When he again couldn't get to me, he stood there for a short bit, then casually started walking back up our road and over the hill which is what a bear would do.

Last is the ambient sounds. Though the sounds are great and even entertaining for a while, I think it might be a bit over kill. Birds and crickets sounds or rustling leaves etc are great, but when you can hear animals growling around you that are not there, that doesn't work. I think the animal sounds should be proximity sounds to an actual animal.
Unless I had dogs, coyotes, racoons etc near me that I couldn't see, but I don't think so
All in all a great patch from what I saw last night, and I can't wait to get in game tonight to play around a bit more. Thanks for the great job.