Quote Originally Posted by Willowhawk View Post
Again another thread highjacked by the same miserable trolls that ruin this forum. The original post was thanking the developers for their efforts, NOT a complaint board. You want to complain, go for it, but start your own "whiners" thread. Then at least the rest of us can ignore that thread and don't have to continually read your sniveling and whining.

Quote MrDDT "Pointing out issues doesnt mean people dont appreciate the effort.
Also stop trolling, even in your own threads, its getting old"

He is not trolling when he asks if anyone else appreciated the patch when his OP was "Thanking" the Developers for their efforts. You calling anyone else a troll would be laughable if this whole situation wasn't so pathetic.

I am so sick of this. Xsyon again I ask you why do you allow this agitator on this forum?

"Ignore" is nothing more than a gesture and doesn't keep trolls from hijacking every thread. It doesn't work anyway since the forum continues to log people off when inactive, and ignore only functions if you are logged in to your account.

Trolling is when you are not addressing the topic and only posting to bring a response from the person you are posting at without regard to what the thread is about.

Which would be like this post here, which is one of the few if only posts Ive made that would be considered trolling.

Notice how you (nor me in this post) talk about the topic? We are talking to each other about something other than what the topic is about.

I understand you might not like me, and you are a fanboi. But my posts are not trolling posts. If he or others dont want people posting on a thread, then send private messages. Threads are meant to be talked about and people to give opinions. If you dont like mine thats fine, debate it on the topic, instead of non stop attacking the poster (in this case me).

Just by your post here, you can see how childish you are becoming. Focus on the topic and I doubt people will call you a troll. At least I wont.