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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Netherlands
    I've had the pleasure on a couple of occasions to play while you are too MrMac.
    And you come across as one of the best mannered people I know online. What Jadzia wrote just above me (assuming I'm posting my response in time!) fits me: "positive people are usually more quiet".

    While I often agree with what you are trying to bring across, I just don't feel an urge to subject my positivism about the game to the negative people that dominate the forums.
    Not that I don't have gripes with the game or some of its mechanics, I do. I also don't understand why it takes the developers so long to add useful stuff to the game (for instance carts or purpose to fight), but I don't think that my whining about that will speed up the progress.

    No, I choose to play 'my game' inside of the game and not on a forum.
    Especially one persons attitude of 'I speak the TRUTH and all who disagree are carebears and ruin the game' really annoys me. I too have this person on ignore but sadly others quote what he writes, so its still hard to escape his negativity. And what saddens me even more than this person is the fact that the developers seem to enjoy his presence, since he is allowed to continue sprout his truth, even claiming to speak for 'many'.

    All in all, I do applaud you for your stamina and perseverance Mac, but I see almost no reason to read or post here more often than I do.

    I'd say in closing: keep on Laughing you tree!

  2. #2
    Objective, informative and constructive posts are more than welcome and needed here for both new, newer and older players.

    Before subscribing to this game I plowed through these fora for any bit of information I could get.
    What I also remember is that it made me almost NOT subscribe to the game because of pointless, selfcentered and subjective comments made to posts I wanted to read more about.
    I don't mind a good debate, but there should be a point other than personal gains. Don't ruin others posts by making it a personal crusade. New players certainly don't need that.

  3. #3
    I don't post a lot, but I enjoy reading your posts Mac. I think it is worth posting, and we just have to ignore the negative comments and name calling from the dissenters so we can enjoy constructive debates and conversations. This is a great source of information.

  4. #4
    As a whiny lurker I would say that your counter balance is important. New people coming here need to see both sides. Maybe you are tired of providing it and I understand that.

    Honestly though many of the threads here are started by you and the negativity seems to come as a counter to your posts. I see it going both ways. Maybe I just ignore the negative threads though as I have heard it all.

  5. #5
    as a whiney lurker i'm discouraged because nothing has changed sufficiently in recent history to even warrant more whining. so sad.

    and to be fair mac, most of your posts really don't add much (because again, there isn't sufficient change to even warrant new conversation), they are basically, as you said, cheerleading 'offsetting' posts to try and balance the realist/negative posts and positions out there.

    you are no better, or worse than the other side, just a different point of view. Please step down off the high horse.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    as a whiney lurker i'm discouraged because nothing has changed sufficiently in recent history to even warrant more whining. so sad.
    So when was the last time you played Dubanka? Details please (day & month)

    I ask because you identified yourself as a "whiney lurker".

    Of course there are things that were not complete or up to your standards when you played last, and that you have told us about - ad nausem. But really, when personally did you play or pay last? What are your relevenant gripes about the state of the game today? Have there been improvements to your satisfaction pertaining to your gripes, or again are you going on when you played/paid last (5 months ago)? Have you been ingame or on the test server to give us your input to whether those bugs/content patches were working that you love to complain about, or at least being fixed or have been fixed. You don't know for sure, do you? Is your so called objective opinion vastly out of date or going by someone else's "objective" out of date opinion influencing yours? You owe it to the forum readers to be honest about that. I challenge you to pay & play to find out yourself. Then.... you can add your constructive critque, or you can quit posting "your out-of-date" non-constructive posts. And don't give the excuse...."well, so and so told you". That won't cut it.

    I'm on every day. Working to make the game all it can be and watching and giving feedback to the devs, guides etc. how their hard work is helping, working or failing. Until you do that also, on the level that I do it, and many many other players are doing, then you don't deserve any credence. And the readers/lurkers of the forums need to know that about you and what your "real credential's" are. You are not active - you do not pay - you do not test - you do not give constructive feed back - The truth is you are a "whiner". You love to whine because that is who you are, a whiner - you have not played/paid for weeks and months and do not know first hand the state of the game. The new players/lurkers etc. need to know that truth and I'm here to tell them.

    So get yourself some current pay/playtime and give us your "self-vaulted" opinion, or at least be honest enough to say...."when I played way back when". Otherwise, you are a blowhard and I have no problem calling you out on it.

    As a final word, I will at least give you were honest to admit that you had a whiney voice. That part by golly was the truth


  7. #7

    i just enjoy coming here to watch you guys ball kick each other. i guess once that dries up i'll move on to something else. i have no interest in paying for this game, if they give me some free play time i _might_ reinstall and check it out. but frankly all my tribe has left and i find the core mechanics really mind numbingly boring, i flat out do not have fun playing this game. i find it amusing that i have more fun watching the sloppy mess of rants that go back and forth on this forum than having any desire to play again.

    so, i guess, thanks to you guys for creating content on the forums that is fun for me

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by China View Post
    So when was the last time you played Dubanka? Details please (day & month)

    I ask because you identified yourself as a "whiney lurker".

    Of course there are things that were not complete or up to your standards when you played last, and that you have told us about - ad nausem. But really, when personally did you play or pay last? What are your relevenant gripes about the state of the game today? Have there been improvements to your satisfaction pertaining to your gripes, or again are you going on when you played/paid last (5 months ago)? Have you been ingame or on the test server to give us your input to whether those bugs/content patches were working that you love to complain about, or at least being fixed or have been fixed. You don't know for sure, do you? Is your so called objective opinion vastly out of date or going by someone else's "objective" out of date opinion influencing yours? You owe it to the forum readers to be honest about that. I challenge you to pay & play to find out yourself. Then.... you can add your constructive critque, or you can quit posting "your out-of-date" non-constructive posts. And don't give the excuse...."well, so and so told you". That won't cut it.

    I'm on every day. Working to make the game all it can be and watching and giving feedback to the devs, guides etc. how their hard work is helping, working or failing. Until you do that also, on the level that I do it, and many many other players are doing, then you don't deserve any credence. And the readers/lurkers of the forums need to know that about you and what your "real credential's" are. You are not active - you do not pay - you do not test - you do not give constructive feed back - The truth is you are a "whiner". You love to whine because that is who you are, a whiner - you have not played/paid for weeks and months and do not know first hand the state of the game. The new players/lurkers etc. need to know that truth and I'm here to tell them.

    So get yourself some current pay/playtime and give us your "self-vaulted" opinion, or at least be honest enough to say...."when I played way back when". Otherwise, you are a blowhard and I have no problem calling you out on it.

    As a final word, I will at least give you were honest to admit that you had a whiney voice. That part by golly was the truth

    Hi horse much. jeeze. I last played in July.

    Since then none of the issues that I, Me, Personnally, identify with have, or have any appearance of, been addressed.
    Do you really need constructive criticism on desynch being an issue?
    Do you really need any more 'constructive' criticism on there not being a point to do anything?

    I'm not sure where your hate is coming from, as i have not really been engaged in a detailed gameplay discussion since i've actively played.

    I am happy that you can enjoy paying for and playing an incomplete game. Unfortunately you're not telling the 'truth' any more than DDT is telling the 'truth'. You are stating an opinion based upon your experience, your level of patience and your level of expectation. Your opinion is no more valid or 'right' than anybody elses.

    Again, i'm not sure where the personal attack hate is coming from, I have mostly tried to take pains to keep my posts factual (through my lens of reality/expectations at least) and constructive...with ideas for how to fix things that I perceived as a problem...that 'your side' disagrees with my suggestions, is merely a difference of opinion...However i do realize, that in your mind, making note of things that are not right, or do not work, or could be better, is just 'whining'. So apologies there.

    So yes, and of course the 'real me'...Full Disclosure! since this is all about me. I played pretty regularly from feb through mid that point i stopped seeing changes that affected gameplay in a material way, and have felt no desire to log back in. Since that time I, obviously keep up on the boards, and look for feedback that maybe, just maybe the ball might have moved in a direction that would cause me to log back in date i haven't see it.

    I'm on every day. Working to make the game all it can be
    It's a game, not a job...for me at least...I am gladdened that you can find it within yourself to donate money towards an effort that is incomplete, and not really working as intended...I don't have the energy to do that for an extended basis, much less pay to do it. I've said it before, and i'll say it again, you are getting the game your wanted, crafting, safety, everything for everyone, holding hands in the fire light, thousands of players to craft and trade with, building cities, making wares, trading them for other wares, stacking them neatly on a shelf...gaming nirvana. Why so angry?

  9. #9
    As I said in my guilds forum...

    Still isnt Roma Victor.

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