Quote Originally Posted by krimara View Post
Here you imply we don't PvP.

Here you again try to downplay our tribe and say we don't PvP.

And again trying to downplay that what we are doing isn't good enough to be considered "real" PvP.

With multiple attacks against our tribe, yes I say that focusing on what you are saying is rather important. Not to mention your complete avoidance of other issues that were brought up.

I never disagreed that we could claim to be a PvP tribe without PvPing, the disagreement was about what was considered PvP. Now that you have admitted that we do in fact PvP to the best of your knowledge, unlike before when you spoke out of turn, please edit your posts to remove the fictitious statements.

I dont know if you do or dont. I'm still of the opinion you don't just FYI.
Because you claim you do duels doesnt make me think you PVP.
Because fatboy, who has lied many times says you might PVP doesnt mean much to me either.

Liquid, says you guys come to his place and "we do however fight each-other to train or see where we are at with our skills", doesnt mean you make the standards of calling yourself a PVP tribe.

I agree that dueling is PVP, but again there is more to being a "PVP Tribe" than randomly hitting another player once in your lifetime of playing.

So yet again, I will still stand by the fact that you are NOT a PVP tribe unless you are doing the other things that make a tribe a PVP tribe.
So this is the point where its not just "English" standards now that you understand what PVP is, but also by what is called "Commonly Understood" meaning when you say something, its commonly understood as to what that meaning holds.

Glad we can move to the next point once you understand what PVP means, and you agree that you cant be a PVP tribe without PVPing.

Quote Originally Posted by China View Post
Sorry - could not let this one pass. So in the ever churning, turning brain of DDT, the reason to do or not do something is beside the point. In other words - just do something! Don't try and decide or reason why you may or may not do something. JUST DO SOMETHING!

Now ponder that statement for just a moment.

Forget eating because your hungry - by gawd just eat and eat and eat! Or Kill kill kill! Do it, because the reason why you do or don't do something is totally irrevelant in the world that DDT lives in. You know what is scary? I think he means it. (shudder)

I didnt say understanding the reasons behind something doesnt mean anything, I love the reasons behind something. It helps make other things clear in understanding when someone or a group of people will do something, because you know the why. However, when dealing with facts, reasons are not really a major part of that, only the facts and actions.

You could list a ton of reasons why you do or dont do things, doesnt mean any of them are true.

Saying you are eating is a fact (assuming its true), because you are hungry, or just felt like eating is another thing altogether.
If you were to say "we never eat" and I disagree with that, you dont need to list that you dont get hungry, because if you DO eat, but you dont get hungry doesnt change the fact that you do eat. I'm not sure if this is making it clear to you or not, but once you understand that I dont need to know why you are doing something to know you are not doing it. Just that you are not doing it, thus you shouldnt claim you are.

The point of calling you a PVP tribe now after being shown that you do duels, training, and might have hit another person by mistake is really more now of a topic of opinion of what a PVP tribe is, and I doubt this can go much further, as I believe you will not agree with my opinion no matter what other data I bring.