I wanted to show how long combat lasts.
In this fight, we are using very good weapons (Master knife for me with a preorder Axe which preorders still do the most damage in the game, Roth is using a Master Axe and Club).
Roth isnt wearing armor here (leather shirt and leather pants, not armor).
Roth also didnt eat or drink before the fight so is at 0 food and thirst.
I have very high skills in combat, so my damage should be upper end.
The fight lasts over 3mins (I cut out a small part where he stopped and was talking on ventrilo, for about 2 seconds near the end).
No parries or dodges were done (active), Roth has really poor combat skills.
What are your guys opinions on how long the fight lasts?
A few comments about my opinions.
I believe the fight lasts WAY to long for really just "forced" fighting. Meaning he wanted to attack me, and I wanted to attack him. Normally if someone were losing a fight, they would do more things like run around and heal up, parry, block etc. Which would cause the fight to last many many times longer.
Weapon types matter very little.
Swing types matter very little.
Charged swings are worthless as if you get hit, you lose the charge which is 3x number of normal attacks missed.
Charged attacks only do 2x damage. (Or really 2.1x)
Still major dysnc issues. He was saying how he was behind me most of the fight, and I would say 30 or 40% I was behind or behind side of him.
Many attacks miss that look like they should hit.
No reasons to parry, or dodge because you are just losing your own damage. Only reason maybe is if, they charge an attack (which no one does) or you are holding out til help arrives.
Parry or dodge is sorta hard, as you have to time the parry or dodge to the attacks, and the attacks can be very fast. Preorder stuff isnt all that fast but still pretty fast, but knives and fists are very very fast.
Holding a parry doesnt cost stamina.
Attacking costs 0 stamina, thus parrying or dodging an attack is really no loss to the attacker.
Combat is very very boring. No special actions, no real choices. Just circle around the target to try to hit his back, while they are doing the same or trying to get away.
Movement speeds are very close. Roth has very low AGI, and I was able to catch him, but only because our stats are 50+ points off in that fashion. Someone with close to my AGI would easy be able to get away.
No way for someone with low AGI to get away from someone with high AGI. No special skills, no speed potions, no mounts, no smoke bombs, or stuns or anything. Not saying all those should be in game just saying no options at all. Either you have high AGI or you cant get away.
This type of combat, is really just boring to me, and its all prep work for who is going to win. Who has better weapons, Who has better armor, Who has faster AGI, Who has food/thirst, Who has better skills.
Very little comes down to Who does better choices in combat or Who has better aim, or Who does what at the right time. If anything really.
Also fighting 2 people or more at the same time, gives the person thats solo or on the lower number ratio almost no chance at winning.
No AOE attacks, no ARC attacks, Stamina issues in running around, without anyway to gain it back.
The list goes on and on.
Really need someone that understands combat better to look at this and see what is up. I know a lot of work was done for parry/block and directional swings, but all that work is for naught if no one wants to use them because they hurt or are break even.