I really appreciate this type of feedback, so first of all, thank you very much.

I need to make a few comments.

Roth has very high hit points. This is one reason for the length of this fight.
The difference between your agilities is 22 points.
Leather pants and a shirt is armor. The base armor parts account for about 30% of a total set. There should be a significant difference between leather pants and a shirt and a naked player.
A fully charged swing does 3.5 x more damage than a completely uncharged swing.

I agree that as a 'forced fight' this takes too long, however it appears that swing power is hardly used at all.

When we test in house we take advantage of what the system has to offer (directionaly swings, block, dodge and swing power) and we feel that combat is more fun and it does not take so long. So what are the main reasons that instead of actually using the system, players are running around in circles like this and using quick swing that deliver little power, thus drawing out combat?

1) The main reason you are not parrying or dodging seems that swing are too fast. How much slower should they be? (2x, or more?)
2) Parrying can be held and you can switch between a held swing and a held parry. Have you tried this? If so, what is the problem with it that it's not being used?
3) Held swings (charged attacks) are not always cancelled when you are hit. Please test this. There is a 50% base chase that the held swing will be cancelled. If they are being cancelled too much when you have high skills I will adjust this. A high skilled attacker should not have his held swings cancelled.
4) Do rear attacks increase damage by too much? Is this why you are constantly circling each other?
5) Am I missing something else? What other reasons are causing players to fight like this rather than use the system as designed?

To me this looks like a matter of tweaking variables so that players use the system that we've spent so much time implementing. Once that has been achieved we will work on special attacks and defenses.

Thanks again.

PS: This thread will be moved to our Feedback section.