Quote Originally Posted by Huskerman View Post
So after looking into this game, I really like what it seems to be. My question is whats the point in building walls? Can other players break them down or they just for looks? I keep reading players can not loot within the villages, if this is true, what is the point of building walls if you are already protected?
I haven't played Xyson yet, but I like the topic because it's on people's minds. This whole idea of NEEDING to build something, as opposed to WANTING it, is tangible.

What do I mean by wanting? Some people just like to build things - architects, for example. Others just like to do it as a means of self-expression. They don't NEED to do it.

Needing to do it means there's a tangible negative outcome if you don't do it.

In RL, here're some reason I think we build walls around us:
1) To insulate an area to keep it warm so we're not freezing cold at night and can sleep more easily.
2) To act as an insulating layer for our mind - to relax the mind or limit outside stimulation.
3) To protect small(er) children from animals - lions/cougars/bears/monkeys that might steal them.
4) To act as a orderly means to store things or separate - think of closets or outhouses.
5) To protect possessions from outsiders - lock your doors!
6) To mark your territory as inhabited and as your own - this goes along with (4).
7) To express yourself artistically or professionally in the architecture or the wall paintings.
8) To protect from the elements - wind and rain (not just temperature, as stated already).
9) To protect yourself (and your children) from thieves or robbers or crazed animals.
10) To gain privacy, solitude, and/or a sense of personal space - this goes along with (2).

The direct (tangible) and relative value of each is tough to say. Do we need walls more than want them? Do we NEED privacy? We need them for shelter from the outside elements, correct? If I lived in a wet region of the world, I think living with walls is fine - you need them to support a roof and keep the wind out. In sum total, my opinion is we probably need walls more than want them.

I'm sure there're many more reasons. Reality seems to always produce more reasons. That's the ONE thing about reality - it never stops dumbfounding us or keeping us guessing. If it did stop tricking us then I'm very sure we would grow quickly bored. And from this an interesting question emerges: To keep us from getting bored, does reality go on and on and on, always a step ahead of our comprehension, or does it simply change the rules and pull the rug from underneath us?