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  1. #1

    In need of a tribe

    So just purchased and installing the game now to find a tribe.

    I am extremely flexible person and will enjoy any I am doing. I love helping others when in need, always jumping to any requests of help, more so when it comes to killing npcs or other players.

    I do jump around on other games: league of legends, battlefield 3, minecraft, and tend to hop around on random free games

    any questions?

  2. #2
    Industrial Strength is new player friendly and can help you get started in Xsyon, even if we end up not being the tribe for you.

    However, we are one of the most active in Xsyon and I think you would enjoy it here.

    Message Audacius or MrDDT in game if you would like to chat.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Apache is recruiting as well (We offer something for everyone from pvp to crafting to some of the largest building projects in Xsyon) we've been around since beta and have one of the largest tribe areas in the game! Whisper /w One for more info

    You can also send me a PM or signup on our website

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